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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Prosecution Complex...

You...will be prosecuted if you vote YES on G..I said YES on G! that's YES on G...

That's not a promise, that's a threat from Wendy, Nipper and Travis after claiming a legal victory against the City of SB (the lawsuit was a silly one; the kind that wealthy people file and clog the courts with). It was settled so the NewsPress didn't win, they just filed, which must be a win in Wendy's book. I'll leave the legaleze to that Linus the lawyer guy with the wet blanket, but now, the Three Muskateers are puffing up their chests & threatening to punish city hall again! What next Wendy..are you gonna buy your own police force to find De La Guerra Plaza insurgents??
WOWEE..the folks working for the city must be shaking in their booties!
The latest paranoid rambling of the editorial staff is this: A tax on cell phone use is something the grand jury should investigate and the county DA Christie Stanley should prosecute! One of the claims is the city used public funds to inform customers about Measure G..they inserted little brochures in the water bills. Well, I hate to break it to you Wendy, but the city uses public funds for everything they do..that's why they call one dept "Public Works"..see, there's a public sector and a private sector..the city is the public part and you are the private part.. a PUSSY! Unnerstand?
Now, if the DA prosecutes the city, what would the charges be: breaching the public trust by printing stuff; using funds to mail water bills; collecting money; going to work; eating lunch; looking at the NewsPress building; laughing at Travis??
all this mistrust against gov't officials is simply a reflection of your own unresolved trust and money issues, Wendy, which explains all the lawsuits....they relieve your guilt. A Gestalt therapy session is indicated. It will help you integrate those parts of your personality you can't deal with, the part that has been swinging at the moon for five simply can't win with this approach...this is why you overreact when you settle one of your lawsuits, because someone paid attention to you..and that, dear, is all you really's all any of us wants, isn't it? yes, of course.... pay attention to me! PAY ATTENTION TO ME...

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