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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Three Days of the Turkey...

starring Randy Alcorn as "the Turkey"

say you went out to buy lunch for your co-workers..some salami sandwiches, noodle salad and cokes or came back to work and they were all dead! How would you feel? Be honest...I would cry for some and for some others..not so much... I'm glad ..actually THANKFUL I never worked at the NewsPress or Daily Sound..both have done something really stupid..hired Randy Alcorn to write a column..Alcorn's claim to fame was CFO at the NewsPress.. he brown-nosed Wendy until she gave him a column..a wordy anti-gov't/anti-worker rant..he sat idly by while NP managment messed with the workers at the paper..then he finally got a spine and wrote a little blurb, hinting Wendy may be a bad she fired him! That is the one thing Wendy did right...
I recall one time he called city workers "miscreants" for gathering at City Hall during union now we have Randy writing for the Daily Sound and blaming the auto workers for the Big Three money problems...let me clear this up for you collars workers aren't to blame..white collar management is to blame..Enron, Aig, CitiGroup, and all the others living too high on the turkey, mismanaging, not caring at all about the companies....the autoworkers made major concessions to keep the GM, Ford and the other guy solvent..but management kept screwing up..and the shareholders didn't demand they be fired! So this is not about unions, Randy Dickhead, this is about MISMANAGEMENT...workers in America demand a decent wage, benefits for their families and a stake in the company they work for..if managers don't understand that, they are destined to be failures, like probably drive a little Prius you little pussy...

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