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Friday, November 7, 2008

on TCM tonight!

Starring John McCain as Capt Queeg and Sarah Palin as Rose Sayer...

The McCaine Mutiny...

The Brain Trust at the mockable NewsPress suggested we not gamble on Obama for president and instead play it safe and vote for McCain and Palin...I got no problem with gambling..I encourage it now..after I write this nonsense I'm headed up the Chumash highway to the Casino to see if I can make some quick cash to pay off the IRS assessment I owe, so says some Vietnamese dude in Sacramento.. Bu Nygen...(thanks McCain, maybe if you hadn't got shot down in the Vietnam war, this would not have happened!!) What's wrong with our military anyway? When's the last time we won a war? Why are we dropping bombs on Afghan kids??
I don't care who the president is...I will be taxed until I croak..and in the afterlife, by the Vietnamese!

and the Alaskan Queen...
Well, I never thought I'd meet someone dumber than me and Dr. Laura combined until Sarah Palin stuck her boobs in my face.. apparently, Sarah is a diva who thinks Africa is a country and can't name the members of NAFTA..I mean..Paris Hilton would have been a better choice for VP! Wendy McCaw would have been a better choice! The conservatives think Sarah is the fututre of the Republican party...obviously, they have run out of ideas. The GOP is a shell of its former self inhabited by nitwits who are overly concerned with what you do in the bedroom (what do you do, anyway??) That is their platform, that is their focus..obviously they have sexual issues and if I say dirty words related to sex, they freak out. But I submit, the holy conservatives are the most sexually deviant folks out there (using me as the basis for normality)..that will be a topic for another time..until then..
I wanna L^&k your Pu#%Y, Sarah.....

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