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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

nonsense is as nonsense does...

letter to the editor..
NewsPress: thick as a brick
are you people at the News-Press so dense as to think the multiple news conferences during the Jesusita fire were really just political photo ops for the city council? are you people so dense that you need government to coddle you with information every three seconds? and then you complain when they don't? there was a fire in the hills: GET THE FUCK OUT!! how hard can that be to understand? If you build a home in a high fire area, it is your responsibilty to have an evacuation plan...common sense is a scarce commodity in people who ignore nature's warnings...the gov't can't stop a fire in Santa Barbara when 4 things happen: Santa Ana winds, 100 degree heat, low humidity and a one can stop it..all they can do is fight it and slow it down a bit....and that's what they did..under very difficult circumstances..this is simply something beyond your's working class stuff..not bottled water contests, Casino nights or trying to buy influence in Santa Barbara with your ex-husband's knuckleheads.

you anti- gov hacks at the News-Press claimed your radio station AM 1290 "filled a void" due to everyone's lack of communication skills during the Jesusita fire..well, I listened to the radio and scanners, and watched the TV, read the blogs and the poorest job was by the NewsPress..look at their latest online is May 13 today and the site hasn't been updated since may 5, so Wendy and Travis and Nipper continue to live in a stations were on top of the fire giving information all the time, even when the power went out, the generators kept them on the air...AM 1290 sucked at coverage...I heard a few blurbs about how windy it was from Katich, then it seemed they were talking like chickens with their heads cut off! KTYD had more info and were more personable than the AM1290 guys could ever hope to be..I mean, they still got Baron Ron Heron, an old DJ, scowling his way thru the broadcasts...the guy is an obese dinosaur...

The Newspress didn't fill any void..they have ZERO experience in the public sector, they have never led a command post, fought a fire, run for office, worked as a cop or in any professional capacity within the city or county other words, they don't know WTF they are talking about..their job is not to help, but to obstruct city and county work and promote their fantasy feckless friends and business...I'm sure most people are aware of this, except the News-Press...therefore, it is my pleasure to communicate this to them.. and that's a big 10-4

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