A good number of the 68 million people who voted for Barack Obama, did so with the idea that he would bring change. But, if you’d asked them what kind of change, 98.9% had no clue what to expect. One of the changes that Mr. Obama promised was to bring Nationalized Health Care to the United States. And the 68 million folks said, “YES WE CAN!”
However, the reality of such a change and what it would entail did not occur to the 68 million. All they cared about was how Obama made them feel. It did not matter to them that in countries like Great Britain where nationalized health care has been in existence for over 30 years, is a miserable failure. It did not occur to them because they were too lazy to put down the TV remote and do some research and find out that government bureaucrats, not doctors, make all the medical decisions. They did not want to investigate that in the British system, health care is rationed to the extent that patients have to wait months for life-savings surgeries and that many died before they could receive treatment.
It doesn’t matter because nationalized health care sounds like a good idea coming from a new face with a smooth delivery. And that new face, Barack Obama, knew exactly that the 68 million would gladly stay ignorant because they have already been indoctrinated by the same generational lies told by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Jimmy Carter.
Yes, Barack Obama knows his hustle cold.
Do you?
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