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Friday, May 22, 2009

some days you eat the bear...

some days the bear eats you...

if a bear shits in the woods, apparently the NewsPRess will be there to clean it up, put diapers on the bear, and read it a bedtime story...that is the conclusion I drew after reading the latest editorial. It was about the bear that visited a Montecito neighborhood...according to the NP, the responding officers were " idiots" for answering the homeowners call. That is what the police and Fish and Game do..that's what you pay taxes for..PUBLIC SAFETY! IF people don't call, the cops won't come..simple. So the officers showed up and corrraled it..but it slipped away..end of story. The NewsPress said the officers "chased it and then went looking for's not a good idea to make a bear run"...WTF..of course it is...that's how they get away! dumbass Wendy! This is just another lame attempt to take a shot at the feds...Manning Park is close to a school...if a bear is running towards children, you must detain it.... make it unwelcome...send it back to the hills...and kill it if needed..not fret over its rights...
chances are bears won't harm anyone and just want to be left alone to be's people who create the problems..and Fish and Game is often left to do the dirty work, with jackasses like the NewsPress calling them idiots..if Fish and Game do something really stupid, ok..but this litany of editorials is due to the Animal Rescue Team's foul-up of the mountain lion cub incident..instead of owning up to their bungling, they ran and cried to the NewsPress and blamed the Dept of Fish and Game....what a bunch of pussies!! incidently, the ART is being booted out of their Solvang base..any wonder why?
Wendy is the biggest phony when it come to animal rights..she doesn't understand the predator-prey relationship, and gets all weepy when nature gets bloody....maybe she thinks all bears are like Ty Warner's Beanie Baby bears??
the woman is a dunce

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