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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Amy Bishop Assaulted IHOP Patron in 2002

Well, if you can have an unrepentant terrorist in William Ayers who used to blow up buildgs on American soil be a respected professor at the University of Chicago, what’s wrong with a prfessor who whacks people upside trhe heard?

The Boston Globe reveals: In March, 2002, Bishop, who recently was charged with killing three colleagues at the Univesity of Alabama, walked into an International House of Pancakes
in Peabody with her family, asked for a booster seat for one of her children, and learned the last seat had gone to another mother.

Bishop, according to a police report, strode over to the other woman, demanded the seat and launched into a profanity-laced rant.

When the woman would not give the seat up, Bishop punched her in the head, all the while yelling "I am Dr. Amy Bishop."

Do you really think Bishop is the only Far Left time bomb walking the halls of America’s colleges?

Via The Boston Globe

Via Memeorandum

From The Last Tradition

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