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Friday, May 14, 2010

24 Season 8: 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Tue, May 11, 2010

24 Season 8: 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Wow. Now that’s an interrogation scene. For eight seasons, Jack Bauer has given the audience loads and loads of tips on how to properly get a captured antagonist to cough up valuable intel, whether it’s using as frayed house lamp cord or simply punching the guy in the chest repeatedly. But this past episode, as Jack prepares to ride off into the small screen sunset, he has shown us the ultimate torture interrogation strategy: a combination of knife cuts, lemon juice squirting, forearms to the head, abdomen death pinches and severe blowtorch burns. And if all that fails? A forced gastrointestinal bypass!

Yes, 24 may be wrapping up its last day, and for the most part, this season has been less than transfixing, but thankfully, the writers have decided to unleash Bauer for his swan song, and the result has been an over-the-top spectacle of badassery.

While he’s tearing through everything that breathes, President Logan and his Russian pal have been devising ways to neutralize him. Using his aide-now-CTU-director as his eyes on the ground, Logan has obviously gone off the deep end, moving from Operation Reputation Salvage into Operation Murder!

When they try to trap Jack in the mall, everyone is caught with their terrorist pants down as Jack and his BFF (Michael Madsen) get the drop, kill a bunch of Russian would-be executioners and make off with the sniper who wasted Renee.

Back at CTU, Arlo and Chloe set up a rogues intel caucus, pushing back against the Loganized management and digging to get to the truth of the cover-up. Cole is sitting in lockdown and he’s oh so confused, though he’s not too high on Jack’s execution of Dana. As wish-washy as he is, I think I’m more with his take on matters than anyone else in that everyone seems to be way off base here.

Which brings us to the shocking centerpiece of the episode: the interrogation scene. This was seriously one of the most brutal sequence sin 24 history as Jack just unloaded on the guy. And the impromptu disembowelment at the end? Hooray for disembowelment!

So, all in all, highly entertaining episode. Granted nothing much makes sense and I’m still not entirely sure why Logan’s gone completely psycho, but who cares: Jack is about the most pissed off I’ve ever seen him. And that can only mean good things for us!


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