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Friday, May 14, 2010

The Federal Fat Police: Bill Would Require Government to Track Body Mass of American Children

Welcome to the land of Big Brother government!

This is what happens when you elect Far Left ideologues to office. In the name of doing what’s best for John Q Public, they inch more and more into the private lives of people to gain control of society.

In the name of serving the public good, these Liberal thinkers who’ve never held a real job in their lives get to play God and rob people of their Liberty.

Fortunately, there’s more Americans in this country who love our freedom than the mindless sheep who give these small failed people power.

November 2010 comes judgment upon the statists who are ruining the country.

From CNS News:

A bill introduced this month in Congress would put the federal and state governments in the business of tracking how fat, or skinny, American children are.

States receiving federal grants provided for in the bill would be required to annually track the Body Mass Index of all children ages 2 through 18. The grant-receiving states would be required to mandate that all health care providers in the state determine the Body Mass Index of all their patients in the 2-to-18 age bracket and then report that information to the state government. The state government, in turn, would be required to report the information to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for analysis.

The Healthy Choices Act--introduced by Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.), a member of the House Ways and Means Committee--would establish and fund a wide range of programs and regulations aimed at reducing obesity rates by such means as putting nutritional labels on the front of food products, subsidizing businesses that provide fresh fruits and vegetables, and collecting BMI measurements of patients and counseling those that are overweight or obese.
Full story

Via CNS News

Via Memeoradum

The Last Tradition

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