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Sunday, May 2, 2010

OPENS 5/14-"Just Wright" Movie Opening Review: Starring Common & Queen Latifah

Queen Latifah & Common have GREAT chemistry in this is definitely filled with TONS of ROMANCE and some HUMOR and BIG PARTS OF YOU WANT TO LITERALLY HURT the character, Morgan! To all the women, bring ur boxing gloves because her character will make u jump into the screen and beat that hoe down! Seriously! Be prepared! All in all, I loved it. I felt like it was too predictable...I already know how movies like this have a bad girl vs. the good girl and the one u think he will be with more than likely he will be with....producers cannot fool me! Not when it comes to romantic comedies! But, go see this movie, it will not bring a tear to ur eye-but it will make u face a harsh realization that there are women out there like the character, this movie!

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