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Friday, May 14, 2010

Palin: Obama Would Ban Guns if he Could

Sarah Palin is making the rounds across the country and scaring Democrats to death.

You know how you can tell their scared?

Look at how much they attack her and that’s always a dead giveaway. If she wasn’t a massive threat, they would just ignore her.
But, they can’t and they’re trembling and whining in Obama-nation!
Talk about land of the lost.

From CBS News:

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said during a speech Friday that President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies would ban guns and ammunition if they could get away with it. The former Alaska governor said in a speech to the National Rifle Association that political backlash is the only thing stopping Obama from gutting the Constitution's right to bear arms.

Palin said the public needs to stop Democrats in their tracks, starting with the November elections. Palin praised the anti-tax tea party movement as a grassroots effort "to get government back on our side." She left the event to travel to South Carolina for a campaign rally with a Republican candidate for governor who is popular with tea party activists. Addressing an anti-abortion group, the potential 2012 presidential candidate said she understood how some women might consider abortion, citing her own experiences as the mother of a child with Down syndrome and the parent of an unwed teen mother. Last year, Palin said that "for a fleeting moment" she considered having an abortion when she learned of her son Trig's prognosis.

Palin said Friday that abortion is morally wrong and women should carry a fetus to term. "It may not be the easiest path, but it's always the right path," she said. Sarah Palin: I Understand Temptation to Have an Abortion
Palin: Let Illinois High School Girls' Basketball Team Play in Arizona
Sarah Palin's New Book: "America by Heart"

Palin used a speech to the Susan B. Anthony List to remind activists why they rallied behind the Republican ticket and why they should work to stop Obama's agenda. She said Obama is "the most pro-abortion president ever to occupy the White House" and asserted that the historic health care reform law would fund abortions. Palin challenged Republican women - "mama grizzlies," she called them - to help the Republicans "take this country back" and elect anti-abortion lawmakers.

A grizzlie is a bear. She praised female leaders of the tea party movement and invoked her 2008 acceptance speech where she compared herself to a pit bull. "You don't want to mess with moms who are rising up," Palin said. "If you thought pit bulls were tough, you don't want to mess with mama grizzlies." Full story
Full story

Via CBS News

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

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