One of the biggest indicators of who Barak Obama really was as a person was the 20 years he spent as a follower of the Rev Jeremiah Wright.
Black Liberation theology is biblical hearsay!
It is not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ but rather a bastardization of Holy Scriptures by Left wing communists theologians to suit their own political agenda by calling it the Word of God.
Sean Hannity Scooped the World on Wright and Obama.
But, aide from these facts, Barack Obama believed all these teachings word for word because he himself is a socialist.
So, I don’t give a rip that Rev Wright is singing the blues over not having Obama in his life anymore.
We’re stuck with this community organizer for the next 2 years.
From The National Enquirer:
In a letter obtained by AP, using strong language, Wright described the administrations 2 year rift for the former Obama pastor.
"No one in the Obama administration will respond to me, listen to me, talk to me or read anything that I write to them.
"I am 'toxic' in terms of the Obama administration," Wright wrote the president of a relief charity
"I am radioactive, Sir. When Obama threw me under the bus, he threw me under the bus literally!" Wright penned.
"Any advice that I offer is going to be taken as something to be avoided. Please understand that!".
The tten Sen. Obama cut ties with the outspoken preacher when his incendiary remarks swept the internet after he said in April 2008 that the US government could plant AIDS in the black community and praised defamatory Louis Farrakhan.
He also hinted Obama was keeping his pastor at arm's length while agreeing with him privately.
Obama quickly denounced Wright as "divisive and destructive", cutting all ties to the Pastor and left his church.
Full story
Via National Enquirer
The Last Tradition
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