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Thursday, May 13, 2010

see the funny little clowns...

debate debacles..
the five, I mean six GOP candidates challenging Lois Capps gathered in Ventura at the leisure of the Ventura Tea Party to debate..are you laughing yet?? c'mon, this is not a debate..all these folks think alike with one being a bit more nutty than the next...take a good look at the News-Press picture..all candidates are reading transcripts from this blog and you can see they are not amused! and that's the problem..these clowns don't know how funny they are! What has changed the last time I made fun of these cowboys and cowgirls? Well, let's see..Clark's dad wants him to bring Christian values to the 23rd District...and Christians have been raking up family value points of late... Focus on the Family leader hiring young gay male prostitutes, church groups promoting intolerance and bigotry, hiding behind the flag pins in violation of the flag code, and all sorts of cheap tricks to try to scare up votes...keep your values to yourselves!!! pathetic...

the Year of Biodiversity????

please...please... (shaking my head)

Welcome to Anozira (Arizona spelled backwards!!)... the new name of a once beautiful state
now, some folks have tried to tell me that the new Anorzira immigration law is not why did they also stop ethnic studies in public schools..what, now you can't study anthropology because you might get exposed to a Mexican? geez, you don't have to lie, just admit you are a racist and move on...the nutty notion that we need to drive Spanish speakers out of America so we can be more American is something only a history challenged moron could immigration reform is needed, but American rednecks won't solve the issue....a fence won't solve the issue... a partnership between Mexico and America will be a good start..I am really getting sick of all this white bread...

Support system...
I get a lot of catalogues and some products, I feel, are totally unnecessary, like this thing for women you put between your breasts for good night's sleep...why pay $24.99 when I'll provide virtually the same service for only figh dollah ladies...figh dollah!! call 1-800-big-daddy...

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