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Monday, September 20, 2010

the man with the golden camera...

young girls are coming to the canyon....
so Sunday was nice.....a little foggy at the coast but sunny and warm in the foothills..perfect for a bike I went on a little seven miler and of course stopped to take pictures of whatever piqued my interest..see, in America you can take pictures and if a big fat ugly bald guy harasses you, tell him to fuck off and his business will collapse! But today no sight of big fat ugly bald guys in pick- up I see the fog dancing thru the Eucalyptus trees on Padaro. I check out the CALTRANS wasteful planting project on Santa Claus Lane..why does SCL smell like doo doo now I wondered..well, it's because CALTRANS landscapers over- fertilized the areas they planted with unnecessary native-only trees and an expensive irrigation system....
there's more manure here now than at the News-Press!! Pisses me OFFFFFFFF!!!
oh's too nice out to be mad so I ride on past the Harley "ghost town" Davidson property and on down/up to the Polo Fields and back up Highway 192..oh! it is so peaceful I could cry with joy..I stop and take pictures and sometimes I take pictures of myself to prove I've been here but I have to do it in such a manner that passers-by don't notice I'm taking pictures of myself..I try to fool them into thinking I'm capturing a bird or tree on camera, not that anyone would really give a rat's ass what I'm doing except maybe some big fat ugly bald guys!!
Whew...anyway, I'm taking pics of me in front of a beautiful red flowering bush when a young woman on a bike rides up and stops, catching me by surprise..then she busts me and asks if I need her to take a picture..well, I need her, but not for pictures, but I said: well, I uhh...then she says after realizing I was tongue-tied that it looked like I was taking pictures of myself...geez, that is observant..I didn't fool her a bit..then I said "well, yes I was taking pictures of myself because I'm an egomaniac, but I'll take a picture of you cuz you're cuter than me"..she smiled and laughed and went on her way...wait come back!! you can take all the pictures you want..wanna watch Jupiter tonight? wanna see my guitars?? wanna see my Great Dane?? wanna play doctor? wanna doowaadiddy? wanna...wanna..and then she was gone...a young cute blonde woman on a bike on a lovely Sunday morning just slipped through my hands, like sand.. and I couldn't figure out if she was Danish or Dutch and I blame the News-Press and I'll explain tomorrow why..but if I had any brains I would have accepted her offer to take my picture, had dinner with her..and made her breakfast the next morning..but guess what..I don't have any brains...or maybe I just reminded her of her uncle...the man from uncle...

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