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Friday, September 3, 2010


is the new smart!
Pretty soon now you'll be going to the polls to vote...some people have suggested that America and Coleefornia are veering off path and only by voting a conservative slate will we be able to save her/them/us...well, I might agree with them. But the question remains: where are the conservatives? so far I've seen imposters, clowns, hucksters, actors, knaves, buffoons, jerkoffs, whores, jackals, freaks, lunatics, thieves, assholes, pastors, child molestors, trailer park trolls, dumbasses, knuckleheads and the like all dressed up like conservatives..I mean, I can't believe it...Glenn Beck wants the country to turn back to God which is code for white...Glenn Beck, the drug addicted noncompoop who follows crazy Pastor John Hagee around and parades the evangelicals in front of the Lincoln Center, praying and frothing like Jimmy Swaggart..and this is what has become of the conservatives!!
then there was a fun debate between Carly Fiorina and Barbara Boxer...Carly is a corporate pro and is part of the problem with overpaid CEOs crashing and burning tech companies and I guarantee she would have let ENRON off the hook like Arnold did..but Barbara didn't. She grilled Jeffrey Skilling and all he could do was roll his eyes and pout like a little shit but now he's in jail where he belongs after ripping off employees while trying to enrich himself..these are the conservatives who worship money and we need to keep them out of any public office or they will plunder more...
there's plenty of good conservatives out there and I hope they show up soon to balance the control freak liberals....GOOD CONSERVATIVES..STEP UP TO THE PLATE!!
Now, here's a bad conservative, Jan Brewer, Arizona's a link to a video of a debate and I can't believe she's governor..brewer
she sounds like an imbecile: "I have did the best I could" she says...I have did?? I have did??
but the Mexican fear factor will probably get her elected again...I should have did saw that coming!!

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