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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

not too bright...

local conservatives get wet dream....

what if I got a tape in the mail that showed Wendy McCuckoo, Montecito Journal editor James Buckley and his dog, both talking to Andrew Breitbart at the Montecito Farmers Market..then, in a moment of connivance, I decided to edit the tape showing Wendy, James and Andrew having sex with that poor dog..then I could blog I got some proof that the editor of the Montecito Journal, the co-publisher of the News-Press and hack Andy Breitbart like to have sex with dogs...well, that's similar to what sleazebag race-baiter Breitbart did to Shirley Sherrod to score political points and end her career because she was black...a lowbrow attempt to say the least...and conservatives invited him to SB!!
now, do Wendy, Buckley and Breitbart have sex with dogs?? probably but who knows and it sures seems beastly that Buckley would be proudly introducing this punk Andrew Breitbart at a Lincoln Club (SB's version of the KKK) luncheon. Breitbart will be the guest of honor and speaker at the function to be held at the Montecito Country it's no secret that these folks are racists and the only way to get back at the Bush haters is to be an Obama hater..that's what they matter what Obama does as president, these folks will try to get him....and Obama makes it easy when he keeps falling for it!!
what's also queer is Breitbart is on the front page of the News-Press in a story written by Christopher Santarelli of the Young America Foundation..the News-Press owner, Wendy McCaw has given over one million dollars to the non-profit YAF, but no mention in the article about that....Santarelli is a frat boy whose mommy and daddy paid for his college: Activities and Societies: Kappa Sigma Fraternity (President, Recruitment Chair, Fundraising Chair), Daily Free Press, BUCR..... and mommy Wendy's got these little dudes in a frenzy with all her ill-gotten money!!
consider the Shirley Shirrod fiasco:
if Andrew Breitbart took Shirley Sherrod’s speech and edited it to make her look like a bigot, then he is evil and a criminal. If, as he claims, he only received the edited clips, viewed them, and then without asking any questions, slapped an ill-informed narrative on them and introduced them to the 24-hour news cycle, then he is a moron. TMZ and the National Enquirer look like models of journalistic integrity by comparison. Since he has a pattern of disseminating heavily edited videos, the burden of proof is on Mr. Breitbart....well, Breitbart appeals to the non-thinking monkeys at the N-P, MJ, and Young America Foundation...there's still some good Republicans in Montecito who don't buy all this cheeze whiz political faux- journalism served up by FOX NEWS....but there are alarming numbers who think that guys like Breitbart are heroes....and I'm not surprised the Montecito County Club now owned by Beanie Baby nut Ty Warner would allow these little jerkoffs in...the old club was about golf, not politics!
amazing what passes for heroes nowadays...

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