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Sunday, February 27, 2011

And the Oscar goes to…nobody! Hollywood suffering crisis lack of quality films

I consider myself a film buff and I have to say that the quality of movies coming out of Hollywood since 2005 have been a joke. It’s been a never ending succession of films about comic book heroes and sequel after sequel.

What ever happened to films based on great novels or just an original screenplay for a change?

Just last week I looked up 8 flicks at my local multiplex and couldn’t find near one movie I had the least bit interest in seeing. That’s how bad the garbage is that Hollywood id putting out.

I remember come Oscar time, most of the 5 movies nominated were really great films. Today, you’ll lucky to find one in a field of ten.

It’s a sad commentary on an industry that has sunken to its lowest depths.

Be ashamed, Hollywood, be very ashamed!

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