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Monday, February 21, 2011

instant karma...

In Focus

Bruce Corsaw: Lanny, you own a bunch of houses right?

(you shoulda said GROW HOUSES, Bruce, GROW HOUSES!!)

Lanny: that's not the issue..

Lanny Ebenstein: the role of gov't is to provide services, not pay employees...

oh really dumbass?? well who is gonna provide those services for free..the non-profit sewer fairy??

so I saw the In Focus segment, hosted by KEYT/ Tracy Lehr... a debate about public employee compensation with Lanny Ebenstein "economics professor" and Bruce Corsaw, union rep..Lanny looked really nervous and his eyes were shifting back and forth like a hillbilly on a cob of corn..Bruce kept asking Lanny "what are you talking about dude" referring to Lanny's zombie-like repetition: public workers make too much, public workers make too much... Bruce gave examples of some real numbers while Lanny trumped up the numbers for political purposes...

Tracy's first question to Lanny was: why are you crying now about pensions but not during the healthy stock market when the private sector was reeling in the cash..and gov't workers were saving their money, working and retiring...

Lanny looked perturbed at the question, had no answer and kept repeating his prepared statement: public workers make too much money...blah bla blah

actually, it was quite funny watching him squirm like a worm puppet for the wealthy!!

Tracy..good questions! finally, a journalist with some spine!! you hit it right on the head.... the point of all this is the stock market crashed near the end of Bush's presidency, and to stop a total financial disaster, his economic team tried to bail out the big banks and insurance companies with taxpayer money.... and now the rich interests who fear fair taxes/regulations are trying to blame the public sector workers!! the private sector are going after the wrong people!!! and this is simply a political attempt to bust unions..well financed by you know who.....

if Wall Street goes down again for the same reasons, the private sector won't have a 401k, they'll have a .005k and they'll be sitting on a bench on State Street asking me for money..and you know what I'll tell them?? I will say: real change not spare change!!

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