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Saturday, February 26, 2011

live let live...

not die...

a few years back I was having lunch at Peabody's in Montecito with a pretty blonde lady...there were just a few folks there that day..TC Boyle was one of them.. he was sitting at the bar, not saying much, turning around now and then but minding his own business; there was a drunk guy swaying at the bar and talking very loudly, hitting on my friend...I was getting a bit jealous as she flirted with burger arrived..we ate and drank and the banter was like a scene in a TC Boyle novel! now, I've long questioned conservationists' commitment to killing as a means to preserve certain populations....kill kill kill....indiscriminate killing where all species die, where land is poisoned, where bastard plants are demonized...conservation by wealthy non-profits is a huge scam...and it is going on everywhere..all around the world from Alaska to TC Boyle has a new novel out that examines the Channel Islands killings...

T.C. Boyle's When the Killing's Done (Viking, $26.95)

Boyle is a fantastic writer, so I'll read the book....from a review:

In one corner of the ring stands Alma Boyd Takesue and her partner, Tim Sickafoose, National Park Service biologists involved in programs to exterminate invaders — think rats and wild pigs — decimating the islands' native species.

Standing opposite are dreadlocked local businessman Dave LaJoy and his partner, folk singer Anise Reed, charter members of For the Protection of Animals, a radical animal rights group opposed to killing animals under any circumstances...

if you've followed the Channel Islands saga, you'll remember Rob Puddicombe and Scarlett Newton as the animal rights folks (CHIAPA) who brought attention to the bloody restoration, so I think Boyle used them as central characters....

I think this is all good..take a look at bionativism that demands non-native people return certain areas to a native's absurd..the conservationists have gone too far with their rescuer complexes..they want to save everything..but their efforts have fallen short...the reality doesn't support their conclusions..or their actions..and the unintended consequences of killing and poisoning the landscape has led to phony PR releases claiming populations are rebounding when they aren't...and when a non-profit like the Nature Conservancy is involved, I must be skeptical as they were a big supporter of know, the oil company that covered the southern coast with crude oil and devasted lives....keep this issue front and center!

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