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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lech Walesa snubs a meeting with President Obama in Poland


First Obama’s limo gets stuck in the road. Then he totally flubs a toast to the Queen. Now, the famed anti communist/former prez of Poland/deserving Nobel prize winner Lech Walesa tells Obama to get lost.

Pretty embarrassing for the president. Of course the Obama suck-up-media will continue to report that wherever Obama goes, it’s nothing but universal love and triumph because he’s the smartest man in the world.

Yahoo News

Lech Walesa, Poland's Solidarity-era leader, ex-president and 1983 Nobel Peace Prize winner said Friday he would not accept an invitation to meet fellow Nobel winner US President Barack Obama.

"I expect this meeting would only amount to a photo opportunity," Walesa told AFP.
"I believe one day I will meet with Obama, but not this time," Walesa said, adding he wished the US president "very well, but sometimes things just don't work out."

More here

Ha! What a slam! You can bet Liberal’s in Washington and around the country veins are bulging with this high profile snub. I’m sure somebody is going to accuse Walesa of being a racist. Maybe Jim Clyburn is getting a phone call from his maters in the DNC to ready a statement?

Truth be told Walesa stared down the Soviet Union when the majority of Eastern Europe didn’t have the guts. The man is a patriot for his country and I’m sure he’s still ticked Obama reneged on that missile defense deal in Poland.

Walesa knows that Obama is a media creation—not too hard to figure out.

(h/t) Althouse

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