did Dr. Laura? I wonder..how about Wendy..does she take it up the ass?
These three assholes all have something in common..a bug up their ass..a bug about unions, city hall, poor people, working class folks, military folks..there's no end in sight..they look at life from the asshole end, I guess. Perhaps Wendy should rename the NewsPress to the ASSHOLE PRESS? I think it would be more befitting the paper's management team, don't you? I mean look at the facts..not the made up stuff, the real facts: Travis comes from a tribe of Assholes in Michigan known for alcohol and child abuse problems; Wendy hasn't worked an honest day in her life, having made a fortune off of California's divorce laws where you are entitled to your ex's community property: cash, pension, asshole... and Dr. Laura, gone but not forgotten..I am still waiting for the NewsPress story on her charity's fraud..documented on these very pages.
and speaking of assholes, Bush is on his farewell tour spouting more propaganda than Operation Family Fund and America Supports You put together..these entities were set up by Bush and Rummy to sell the Iraq invasion to the public, and Bush is still trying to sell it! Maybe he doesn't know about the investigation at the DOD..asswipe! Even Obamba's an asshole for picking "Saddleback Fats" Rick Warren to speak at the inauguration...
Now, if you read the NewsPress, it doesn't necessarily make you an asshole....If you believe the doodoo on the editorial pages, then yes, I would say you are an asshole..a big one..if you advertise with the NewsPress..you're dirty. If you work for the NewsPress, you're dirty now..unless you have been trying to hammer out a contract, then you're clean..altho you may need to shower more than the rest of us...
and if I walked thru the halls of the NewsPress, I'd be singing this little refrain....
hey Mr. Clean..you're dirty now, too...