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Monday, December 22, 2008

The Grapes of Wrath...

RV dwellers are the new Okies...

Santa Barbara just had a Unity Telethon to raise money for the Unity Shoppe charity. Poor people come to the shoppe and can take items they need without paying for stealing, I guess. Hey, I'm going to Sears and just taking what I, big screen TV..yeah..what a concept! Ok, I know we've been thru all this before but a recent NewsPress editorial points out the hypocrisy of these folks who put on the charity events..the NewsPress and Chumash in particular. First, the editorial frets about all the RVs parked in Santa Barbara, the scourge of poor people, and how upsetting the homeless are to the well-heeled. The homeless issue is here to is a by-product of this culture..plain and can't piss and moan and make a few rules and expect a certain class of citizens to disappear just because they make you you think the Unity Shoppe would turn away folks because they were homeless?? Being poor should not be a crime, but the NewsPress continues to demonize them after they ask you to give money to the Unity Telethon!! It just goes to show how silly Santa Barbara has become...
I have no problem with RVs..however, I do have a problem with the belching Chumash buses that transport losers to the Casino everyday; and the tour buses parked on Cabrillo Blvd, some times taking up TWO BLOCKS, idly belching diesel fumes for hours into the atmosphere..any complaints about those Or how about the rents on State Street..too high for local business to do business...and they blame the homeless!
This is America..if I want to sell my condo and buy an RV and travel around, I should be able to without being harassed by the cops, city hall, or businesses. I should be able to park in any city and not be judged as a criminal for doing so...
Well when you're sitting there in your silk upholstered chair,
Talkin' to some rich folk that you know,
Well I hope you won't see me,
and my ragged company..
Well, you know I could never be alone
me and my ragged company...

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