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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Indian Givers....

Loggins and Casino....

Wow..I thought last year's Unity Shoppe Telethon was a mess with Nipper on TV pretending he gave a crap about poor people. This year's thon, Dec 13, is sponsored by the Indian Mafia..AKA, the Chumash Casino! Let me see if I can get this straight: poor people go up to the casino, spend all their money on Chumash slot machines, the Indians get rich, then sponsor the telethon, which uses clueless celebrities to raise money for poor people... I thought the Unity Shoppe couldn't sink much lower than last year when they allowed the NewsPress to sponsor the telethon..but I was wrong...
I believe charity is a good thing, however, if you accept handouts from crooks like the NP and Chumash, that makes you a criminal-by-association. Now, we all know that poverty in Santa Barbara is a crime, but what would you rather be, a blue collar or white collar criminal?..I'd rather be blue!
The folks at the Unity Shoppe are to be commended for making the telethon viewers feel guilty enough to cough up a few bucks, but was that the original intent? I don't know what Kenny Loggins was thinking, or what chords he used on "Fever Dream", but he needs to connect with the common person again..step up and deny certain sponsors that don't play by the some backbone, dude..and reclaim the Unity Shoppe's fall from grace....
Speaking of falls from Grace.... the local blogs are reporting the NewsPress is melting down and re-organizing..again...and true to form, Wendy and Nipper seem to enjoy firing employees around Christmas time...this time around 20 folks were dumped along with the freebie Indie wannabee Goleta Valley Voice...the great Ampersand publishing empire is crumbling before our very eyes...Mrs. McCaw must be losing money hand over fist...pretty soon she won't be able to give the News-Press away.. If she continues to act before she thinks, she will be hanging out at the Unity Shoppe looking for a used sweater!

remember: charity..begins at home!

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