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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It should be no labor...

to be nice to your neighbor.....

The editorial staff at the NewsPress have been bad neighbors, relying on looping, or printing the same opinion over and over again, to get through the many times have they told us about City Hall, Harriet Miller, Sandra Tripp- Jones, the city budget, their lawsuit against the city in an attempt to bolster their image? MANY TIMES!! My favorite is when they keep going back in time to the Harriet Miller/Sandra Tripp Jones days as a model of good government...Miller was mayor and Jones was city administrator....and Wendy loved them! But Miller was one of the worst mayors SB has ever had; and Tripp-Jones was part of a financial meltdown when her finance director was funneling city funds into an Orange County derivative investment Robert Citron, then-Orange County Treasurer, for stories!
..the city of SB lost millions and the finance guy quit..soon after Tripp-Jones quit, too...the city fought hard to get some of the money back...and these are the folks who the NewsPress lauds as good government leaders? Miller was a ceremonial mayor who kissed Wendy's ass and no doubt received gifts from her while in office....I've seen Harriet on public TV a few times and she is incoherent...she's a phony..but since she's at least a hundred years old, I won't pick on her too much...please afford me the same courtesy when I get that age..thank-you!
Jim Armstrong replaced Tripp-Jones and he sucks too...he and Tony Nisich were hired about the same time from the Newport Beach area and instigated a bunch of cutesy work-incentive-performance programs that wasted money and time, didn't even work, and created more paperwork and dep't meetings..the workers were pissed at the new clueless administrators! If the NewsPress is gonna do stories on City Hall inner workings, it needs to stop making things up....unless there's a disclaimer, like "this editorial has fictional elements because the writer is delusional"....
Splitsville, USA
I got a tip from a reader (that makes 4 readers for this blog so far, including me..I'm stoked!) about Wendy and Nipper and Dr. Laura....
Hey Mick,I find the proximity of these two announcements rather interesting.
On Dec. 11, reports in its Bits from a Barstool:"Rumor Mill… a Montecito insider alleges that the romance between
Wendy McCaw and Arthur Von Weisenberger is all but over. "Splitsville" he says."On Dec. 14, Dr. Laura's column appears for the last time in the News-Press.
This relationship split info was on which I don't read often because it attaches a little virus to me when I visit I guess Editor Bird's a sick dude! Try some Nyquil, Bird! Anyways, have all these events converged to signal the end of the NewsPress? ...some regulars at seem to think so..I'll believe it when I no longer see AVW listed as co-publisher on the editorial page. Arthur hired Dr. Laura a few years ago so she must know something now that she's gone....but all my sightings of Wendy alone, Wendy's cars, etc certainly point to the direction that she's either got another man or she's looking for another one...I wonder... should I worry..I mean, it might be a nice gig to court her..I like animals, I don't like the Channel Islands Parks Animal Killing Service, I like money and complicated blondes..we got some stuff in common!
...I could always close my eyes during sex..but she's not that ugly, is she?and all the benefits..more than a gov't worker! How hard could it be to co-publish a dying newspaper? or drive a Bentley? If we were a couple, we'd set this town on fire!! (whoops, someone already did that!) You think Wendy and Nipper were entertaining, wait'll you see Wendy and Mick!!!
I smell blood....

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