News-Press wants more "pubic" debate about SBCC! what the heck is a pubic debate?? is this more anal posturing from the News-Press? are they so prudish they want all city college girls shaved? not that I'd complain, but really, what kind of perverts are running the News-Press??? what City College co-eds do in private is none of Wendy's business!
Wendy...I'll be your proofreader for 100 bucks an save any further embarrassment..
and now... NewsPress seeks to punish SBCC because Nipper's house burned down!!
blames SBCC for actively recruiting students from outside California and the USA..then claims community colleges should only educate locals! all because of the Tea Fire! what kind of screwy logic are Wendy, Nipper and Travis trying to argue? The Tea Fire was an accident wrapped inside a Santana wind night...the landowner bears responsibility for lack of security on the should we only sell land to locals? The News-Press trio needs to stop crying and deal with life like adults.... and what about the ZACA fire pollution aftermath which nearly wiped out the Cater Water Treatment Plant's ability to treat water..the north county ranch that started the fire got slapped with a little fine and the taxpayers will pay more to treat the water!
and more anti-student hysteria!
Wendy McCaw, owner of a bunch of stuff in Santa Barbara including the failing business called the News-Press joined forces, editorially, with Nancy Crawford Hall, the big fat lady who owns a big fat ranch in Santa Ynez and the Santa Ynez Valley Journal....the issue is the election between 3rd District candidates Steve Pappas and Dorreen Farr..Farr won fair and square, but Pappas, under the directive and financing of Crawford Hall, has been crying and suing to try to buy the election...the News-Press has written many editorials about this, claiming the
election administered by the county was full of fraud..but the real reason they are complaining, and they state this many times, is they think a "transient" student population should not be allowed to vote! but it's ok for Indians to vote?? That is pure bunk and discrimination...and that's what this Pappas nonsense is all about...the NewsPress goes on to say that "everybody deserves their day in court"! Well, if you live your life suing everybody that looks at you cross-eyed, then you need to evaluate some things...the courts are clogged with cases that should never have been allowed...Wendy and Nancy don't get this because they have grandiose personality disorders that have been fueled by vast sums of money..instead of a lawyer, try a shrink, ladies! The judge that heard The Pappas case saw through the ruse and threw it out, calling it a waste of time...not to mention resources...Pappas lost because Farr's a better politician and organizer...and still he continues to chase this issue with someone else's willing financial backing...maybe they are looking for a buyable Clarence Thomas!!
mayday mayday...NP keeps firing people on May Day....very cynical..
May 1st, often called May Day, just might have more holidays than any other day of the year. It's a celebration of Spring. It's a day of political protests. It's a neopagan festival, a saint's feast day, and a day for organized labor. In many countries, it is a national holiday.
how can anyone trust these nuts at the News-Press???
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