for being cheesy, stupid and ugly and anti-worker! these three bozos voted against union concessions and Francisco even stated that the workers caused the global financial meltdown with Mike Self chiming in to agree...
dumbasses..the money problems STARTED with rightwing policies that favor corporate crooks!! It is still happeneing today with rightwingers APOLOGIZING to BP for being mean to them while they pollute our southern coastlines!! Bush and Enron tried to destroy California with financial terrorism...corporate golden parachutes and taxpayer bailouts for rightwing wasn't the American worker who tried to rob Wall was the white collar conservatives!!
and how about all those tax-exempt non-profits and churches sitting on billions of dollars and trying to exert political
recall the three blind mice!!!
corporate profits over responsibility...that's their first..these folks are money hounds, spending lavish amounts to get elected then claiming to care about taxpayer money!! PAY YOUR WORKERS, NOT CORPORATE's a much better investment...clean up Wall Street and public pension funds go up which is good for the worker and taxpayes....
recall the three bli
for trying to stop another project on Chapala in the commercial district..there is no reason to prevent a property owner from building if he goes through the process. The Three Blind Mice minus Hotchkiss wanted to stop more money coming into the city because the property borders historic Brinkerhoff....Brinkerhoff will not change one iota, so the obstructionist tactic didn't work...note to the three blind mice..Measure B lost, Save Our Santa Barbara lost, your sugardaddy Randall Van Winkypoo lost..get over all three of you..git
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