Can you imagine the amount of press trucks from around the world that would be parked outside the courthouse if a Republican president was an alleged participant in selling a U.S. senate seat?
It would make the O.J. trial look like a Code Pink rally-small crowd.
But, the main stream media is predictably absent for former Illinois Gov Rod Blagojevich’s corruption trial.
Well, they could be AWOL all they want. Conservative bloggers are watching this thing very closely and the facts will come out because Blago isn’t going down alone.
From The National Enquirer:
BLAGOJEVICH corruption trial bombshell: ex-aide to the ex-gov claims under oath that BARACK OBAMA knew of the secret deal for his Chicago senate seat.
From The National Enquirer:
BLAGOJEVICH corruption trial bombshell: ex-aide to the ex-gov claims under oath that BARACK OBAMA knew of the secret deal for his Chicago senate seat.
JOHN HARRIS, An ex-aide to former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich testified that President Obama knew Blago wanted a plum job in the administration in exchange for appointing a pal to fill Obama's vacated Senate seat.
Harris, Blago's former chief of staff, testified in corruption trial in federal District Court in Chicago, Ill. that Obama was well aware Blagojevich was manipulating the Senate seat into a cushy cabinet position in the administration for himself.
He also testified that Blagojevich was convinced if he appointed to the Senate Obama's longtime friend VALERIE JARRETT

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