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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Democrats Boogie Men : Predatory Lenders

Everyday when I come home from work, I make sure to say a prayer of thanks to God All Mighty for once again keeping me safe from, dare I say it, Predatory Lenders.

According to politicians like President Obama, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, these critters are out there lurking in the shadows ready to pounce on unsuspecting Americans and force them to borrow money.

But God is good though, because I’ve never seen a PL. Although I’ve heard some stories about their powers of persuasion, still, I have to count my blessings. Many others are less fortunate.

Okay, let’s get back to reality.

The whole concept of the Predatory Lender is yet another Boogie Man Liberals love to create to sway the emotions of the public. It’s about as substantive as cotton candy. But, it gives license to thousands of people who borrowed more money than they could afford, for homes they had no business buying.

Does personal responsibility account for anything anymore?

I guess in the Liberal world, it doesn’t, which is why some people need Democrats to protect them from the big bad lenders throwing money in peoples faces.

But, just in case, I won’t stop praying.

Click to Read The Last Tradition

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