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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Black Conservatives Encounter Liberal Skepticism on 8/28

I have these same debates almost word for word with Liberal Blacks and Latinos here in New York and the results are the same as you will see with the African American young lady in the vid below.

I have never been outdebated by a Liberal in my life because they don’t know anything other than phrases and platitudes that had been fed them by the Democrat Party. Black Liberal cannot critically process any information to make a coherent point, which is why they always revert to screaming and yelling and throwing insults.

Game over!

The Blaze, the new awesome news website started by Glenn Beck has these videos that are popping up around the internet from last Saturday’s rallies in Washington, D.C., a number of them showing conversations and confrontations captured on home video.

Here are just a couple that I’ve stumbled across today that show black conservatives taking a real stand in the face of adversity.
In the first video, the videographers of
“The Runaway Slave” set out to speak to liberals and other supporters at Rev. Al Sharpton’s “Reclaim the Dream” rally.

One brave, outspoken young woman in particular captured considerable crowd attention for confronting fellow African-Americans about their blind support for Democratic causes.

When she confronted the crowd about Democrats’ support for abortion and their opposition to school choice, a woman in the crowd stepped forward and accused her of being “in the slave house, cooking for the master.”

“LBJ’s War on Poverty policies broke apart the Black family. Why aren’t they talking about that? That’s why I became a conservative.”

In another video captured Saturday, “tolerant” liberals decry black conservatives at Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally, saying that “Christianity is a white man’s religion.”

As you can see Liberals can never win a debate on the merits and also rely on diversionary name calling

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