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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Leftist Media and Bill Maher taking Christine O'Donnell’s "I Dabbled Into Witchcraft" Video Out-of Context Again

The Lamestream Media is up to their old tricks again. Their at it again!
Bill Maher has videos of Christine O’Donnell’s past appearances on his long defunct show Politically Incorrect. Mind you this clip is from 1999.

Looks pretty shaky, huh?

But, what is the full context of these comments? When did she “dabble” in witchcraft?

Well, don’t bother trying to get answers to these questions from CBS, the same network that thought it was acceptable for Dan Rather to use forged documents to impugn George W. Bush’s service in the Texas Air National Guard.

CBS News writes the following:

“These blasts from the past are making it more difficult for the candidate to improve her image, especially as the media spotlight becomes more intense.

O'Donnell will have to explain to the citizens of Delaware what's behind her some of her more controversial ideas past and present.”

CBS is regurgitating the boilerplate, “Christine O’Donnell has to explain herself to the Delaware voters yada, yada, yada….

So instead of a major news organization really looking into the who, what, where, why and when of this story, they’re satisfied with the only the who and the what just to smear Christine O’Donnell as being some sort of ex-witch.

Thankfully, we have bloggers with a bit more integrity than CBS like Michelle Malkin who does the professional journalist thing CBS refuses to do.

Malkin writes:

“The left-wing blogs (and a few short-sighted rightie ones) are having a field day.

What they all seem to have missed is the context for the discussion. The AP says the “context of what led to the comment is not clear.”

But it is if you paid close attention to the clip:

At 1:03 in the video, one of the panelists on the show criticizes O’Donnell for criticizing Halloween — “Wait a minute, I love this, you’re a witch, you go ‘Halloween is bad,’ I’m not the witch, I mean wait a minute.” She responds by explaining that she opposes witchcraft because she has had first-hand experience with what they do.

So, she tried it. She rejected it. And she learned from it.”

Christine O’Donnell herself responded to the hyped up controversy by saying:

“I [Christine O'Donnell]was in high school, how many of you didn’t hang out with questionable folks in high school? But no, There’s been no witchcraft since, if there was, Karl Rove would be a supporter.”

Brilliant humorous comeback, Christine! I’m sure the Left is wincing with that one.

P.S. There is such a thing as Christians who used to dabble witchcraft, were former prostitutes, robbers, murders, drug dealers, and a whole host of questionable character qualities. But, all those things are in the past and are covered under the blood of Jesus Christ who paid the pemalty of ALL our sins at the cross. Those that believe that Chrsit is the only son of God and accepts him as their personell Lord and Savior are wiped clean as snow and their salvation is assured.

So, it doesn't matter anymore what Chrisitine O'Donnell did when she was in high school. This is the gospel of Christ and that is where she stands today for herself.

Next isssue?


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