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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

fight club...

tougher than the rest... I got two cameras now and they are kinda new...I got a megaphone just in case the crowd gets rowdy...I'm ready to see what the Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association has to say about county workers different from what Lanny has been writing in the News-Press.. I head off to Santa Barbara and park close to the event, the County Administration Bldg....I'm early so I wait around, then go inside..the County building is very nice and well maintained..there's a Planning Commission meeting going on..

I watch the girls go by..then I see Joe and some other guy from the SBCTA standing out front...I go over and Joe sees me coming and heads toward a little partitioned area where a bulletin board is, then says: oh no, here he comes...then he launches into a tirade about my blog and tried to belittle me in front of what's-his-name! he called me names!! he called me a bully!! I'm not a bully, I'm a pussy..really!! but we were just kind of kidding around...

Then I ask if Lanny is going to be here and Joe says no....I wanted to ask him about the grow house issue in Eureka..then Joe starts raising his voice.. you should email Lanny, he says....then I ask what the official comment of the SBCTA is about Lanny and Joe starts peppering me with questions, all the while he's getting more perturbed! No official comment and why should anyone care what Lanny's up to in Eureka!! he says

I'm talking and snapping pictures then he yells "get that camera out of my face" and swipes at it, hitting the lens and my hand..hey...I've just been mini- assaulted by the director of the SBCTA and Carpinteria City Councilman with the other dude as a witness!! Joe just bitch-slapped my camera!!! the lens is messed up so the pictures are blurred..then I inspect it, pull the lens out manually and it's ok! whew!! well well..I didn't know Joe had such a temper.. like an angry little Chihuahau!! or Shitzu!! he takes his jacket off...
I said hey, you just hit me, I could sue you...then he says "I hit your camera" and walks away, then comes back..pacing... and goes off on me and my little blog

he's barking at me now: "I think you're disgusting, you're nobody, look at you, get a life, you're pathetic, nobody reads your stupid blog, you have pictures of naked women, you tell lies about me"... (well Joe, at least I'm taller than you!)

I'm trying to interject but he's two inches away from me yelling..I thought he was gonna kiss me!!
I said "don't you believe in free speech??" then he calls me a fucking I haven't heard that before... and are Christians allowed to swear???

Now, I've learned from Buddhism when someone is angry with you, just let it be and guide him as he leans into I'm Buddha now and Joe is Rocky! Then newbie cub reporter Scott Hurst from KEYT shows up and I tell him that Joe tried to break my camera, he stands there like a salt shaker and says nothing, then walks by and smiles...Scott, there's a story right in front of your eyes! get on the ball, dude!

so I go back to Joe to talk about his nonprofit and his Wendy ties..I'm clearly getting under his skin..then he says he doesn't know Wendy and she wouldn't recognize him if they met! She's never given him a cent... I said Joe, stop lying..then he turns red and takes off his jacket again and says to me: you're such a tough guy, take a shot..hit me... he challenges me to a fight!!

I started laughing and said I'm not gonna hit you, Joe..then he said "yeah because you'd lose in a situation like this"....I thought to myself, Joe you're about to address the people in front of the County Administration Building and KEYT, and you wanna do it with black eye?? I said "Joe, put your jacket back on"..(see pic) then he says he's gonna sue me for character assassination and I said Joe, you gotta have a character first!!

just then, SB City Council lady Mike Self comes walking up....Joe's settling down a bit, then I shake Mrs.Self's hand and Joe tells Mike how horrible my blog is..again..I say to Mike, hey you're a nice lady, not half as bad as I thought....I ask her why I'm getting Joe so pumped up...I tell her my blog is just a satire and she says satire can be very biting at times..I think Joe feels bit!! and Mike knows what the score is!! now I support her..NO MORE BULB-OUTS!!

then she says "boys, calm down now"....we chit chat for awhile then others come to talk to Mike and I start to head off and Joe's watching me like a parolee...
don't worry Joe, I'm just giving the private sector a little taste of what your pal Travis and Wendy gave/give the public sector workers..hope you enjoyed it, though I will admit, you are pretty tough!
It's about 11:00 am and there's a handful of people there and no Lanny, so I went home and did the wash....

but next time I'll have some questions for Lanny and Mike and Brooks... and I'm bringing the stun gun!

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