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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

a hard rain's gonna fall...

economic comics

now all this hoopla over the county budget creates some strange images..a bunch of folks clamoring to get in front of a camera to let us know they have the solution...and it's always the same: ask the government workers to give the money, what makes my boots kick is guys like Brooks Firestone, who stand up in front of the same cameras and try to solve the county budget by taking a political shot at Doreen Farr, who got union support last's not complicated Brooks..workers want pro-labor leaders, duh...and Brooks is so part of the problems but is a sacred cow among conservatives because he's rich..inherited his wealth and owns some wineries, which explains the comical nose...and while I was working 25 years protecting the environment, Brooks was leasing land to GREKA who was spilling oil and fucking up the environment..and as a county supervisor he tried to cover it up..then Greka hired Stoker as a spokeman!! Stoker is Brooks' boy we all this tangled political incest is typical of north county folks...we should definitely split the north and south and send these hillbillies back to their holes..

Brooks who was a county supervisor with Centeno (who paid a drunken assistant $70000/year!) and Gray, caused tremendous havoc with the budget, then split..his half-witted private sector ideas to lavish expensive pensions on the cops and make incompetent Mike Brown the CEO of the county is typical corporate do you think the money sitch got so out of hand? PRIVATE GREED: Enron, the banks, the real estate over-building..and now all these conservative wankers who claim to be taxpayer advocates want to blame public workers..and keep an eye on Wisconsin..the governor wants to stop collective bargaining of that great state and has called in the National Guard to stop any protests!! ARE WE IN AMERICA?? or North Korea??

oh, and Mike Brown is the personification of the private sector Peter Principal..he reached the highest level of incompetence, and was rewarded now the Board and staff are hammering out the budget mess that Firestone left them with.. and now he blames them.. and the unions..what a fucking hypocrite!! this is not about taxpayers, this is about power..the workers have the power and the wine makers don't like it..the county has been mismanged for too long..supervisors making $80000/year for what??
it's time to split it up and let the chips fall where they may.....and they may fall hard

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