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Thursday, February 3, 2011

leave it to beaver...

I bought Dr. Laura's new book so I could do a book report on it..and here it is!

what a flying piece of shit this book is!! 200 tiny pages of pure nonsense replete with evil-doers (those who betrayed her...look Laura, all those women that left me weren't evil, they just found a better deal!) I couldn't believe how anyone could make a living dodging responsibilty for her own stupid actions...the book is a study in victimhood...Dr. Laura we learn is not only America's #1 hypocrite, she is also America's #1 victim! The very first words out of her mouth were about radioman Bill Ballance's betrayal of her...the story is simple: she got Bill to help her radio career by providing sexual favors..she had an affair with him, posed nude for him..and later when he published those pictures, she felt betrayed..then she goes on to tell us that some of the nude photos of beaver shots weren't actually her..they were doctored!! oh please Dr. Laura..your beaver is no more special than the next beav... but they are very naughty pictures! very naughty were a very naughty gal!! just admit it...

look at Wendy and Nipper checking out a copy of Dr. Laura's new book...and is it me, or is Wendy the spittin' image of Dr. Zaius from Planet of the Apes!!

but other readers loved Dr. Laura's book...I love this book! I listen to Dr. Laura as much as I can on Sirius/XM but this is the first book of hers I have read. She writes as if she is sitting down and talking to you one-on-one.

I have just gone through an intense divorce. The betrayal of him bedding someone else wasn't what hurt the most, it was his sabotage of my two businesses that were farm-based. Only two and a half months after I had retired from the military (and I had invested a decade of livestock breeding and the last five years of my military income into these businesses so I'd have employment in an uncertain economy) he left for work, and later that day
sent me an email (yes, an email!) stating he was divorcing me. He stopped paying the mortgage, knowing there was no way I could save the place and my investments with the 25% retirement amount of what I had been paid as active duty. This led to a year of his lies, deception, and manipulation of the courts, my friends and former co-workers trying to get them on "his side". With him being passive-aggressive, you can imagine the roller-coaster of the 6-1/2 year marriage that took place as I was preparing for my retirement. There was a saboteur from within the marriage and business. The worst kind of betrayal. And I had a plethora of emotions wondering what, if anything, would be a salve. I bought this book as soon as I saw it available. I'm glad I did!

Dr. Laura explains, through several examples of her own experiences, and a few of her callers to her show, that everyone has these emotions. It was comforting to know I'm really not alone in this, and unfortunately, there are evil (not just "mean") people who will do evil things to satisfy whatever they are lacking in, and good people are going to be targeted and hurt. I agree with her in that I really hope there indeed is Dante's ninth circle of hell (reserved for betrayal). We all know in our heart of hearts that there really isn't Karma... but it does make us feel better to hope the offender will eventually get their come-uppins.. Through the examples she offers, it is evident there unfortunately is not a lot we can do about what these evil people do to us. But we do have control over how we react. Revenge can be quite creative (and there are some examples of how some people handled theirs), but for most of us, shaking it off and having faith that only better things await us after such pain is the best "answer" to a question that really has none. I admit, that answer in itself is somewhat anticlimactic, especially since we turn to Dr. Laura for an insightful, if not cosmic revelation fix to our problem. Yes, it's a bummer when even she admits there really isn't a "fix" or answer to some situations such as betrayal. There is only survival after it. There are just going to be evil people, and evil people prey on good people. It's not "OK", but it's just the way things are, and you have to move on to better things. That part, and how you do it, is up to you.

I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone who has been through any kind of betrayal, from divorce to a back-stabbing "friend". Dr. Laura's words may not give you the magic answer to how to get back at those who have wronged you, but she will help soothe that nagging hurt, and set right in your head that you're not alone....

this book is a study in Dr. Laura's narcissism...she has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is clear: the essential feature is a grandiose sense of self-importance, often combined with periodic feeling of inferiority. Narcissistic personalities will brag of their achievements and expect from others the sort of attention and adulation due to one so gifted...yet this apparent self love is often accompanied by a very fragile self esteem, causing the person to check constantly on how he or she is regarded by others and to react to criticism with rage or vengeance..narcissistic personalities demand a great deal from others, yet give little in return...they tend to choose friends who can get them what they want, and often have feelings of contempt or idealization about those friends depending on how flattering they are to the narcissist...there's more, but I think you get the idea..these dabblings by Dr. Laura aren't real books....they are romance novels.. get yours today!

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