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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Obama owns the fate of Egypt

This is what happened in Egypt the very day Obama makes a public statement saying that our ally of 30 years Hosni Mubarak needed to step down from power. There were many false resports from various media outlets saying that Mubarak was on the verge of leaving. I think Obama gave his public statement in an attempt to get in front of the events in Eygpt to make it seem he was reponsible for ousting the Egpytian president with the power of his words.

But this was the result the very next day.

Yesterday was the so-called Day of Departure. It came and went without any changes. President Obama doesn’t seem to be a student of foreign policy because he’s falling right into the same steps another inept president, Jimmy Carter, made when an uprising occurred in Iran in 1979 against the Shah of Iran.

He too was a close ally of the United States in the Middle East that Carter amateurishly kicked to the curb when the going got tough.

I’ve seen this movie before.

Obama seems so determined to push a transition of government in Egypt without clearly defining what that transition should be.

If Egypt becomes another radical Islamic state like Iran then the fault lies with Obama for not deftly handling the situation.

This is the job of the president!

Obama is responsible to look out for the geo-political interests of the United States first and foremost. He’s not president of the world to act as referee to issue decrees from on high. His focus needs to be singular instead of multiple.

It’s a tough job, but that’s the position this former community organizer sought with his messianic speeches replete with empty platitudes designed to fool the uneducated masses that they where seeing something new and different.

Obama is not new!

He’s Jimmy Carter, F.D.R., George McGovern, any every other wild-eyed Liberal that this country has produced with their crazy visions of a socialists Utopia where all needs are meet by a huge central government.

The system never has worked anywhere in the world where it’s been tried. But, they never learn that lesson.

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