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Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Candy Colored Clown...

in dreams, I walk, with you...
I'm in my bar downtown, getting ready to open, a goofy looking guy with glasses is sitting in the corner laughing at me. In walks a big fat Indian dude, looking like a Casino bouncer and he starts casing the joint, starting at the windows. He starts measuring them like I ordered a set of blinds! I go up to him and ask him what he's doing..."I was sent" he says. Then another guy walks in and sits down at the bar...he's already got a drink. "Who are you?" I ask. "Ben "Rock" Powers" he says.
"Rock"? I ask sarcastically.."what are you, mafioso? come to hit me?"

He looks down at his drink and tells me a gal named Wendy wants me to stop...then he smacks his fist into his palm! I was a little frightened..he looked like he was from Sicily, then, strangely, I became exhilerated...and then pissed off... I thought to can't come into my bar and threaten me...I moved in closer to him, high on adrenaline and Viagra, and then, the whole scene moved into my old house with my old girlfriend who was having sex with a guy while I watched from another room..they didn't even know I was there! then I woke up....
So the question is..what good is a 4 hour boner in a two minute dream...

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