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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Memorable "24" Scenes (Season 2)

Nina's Interrogation

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

"...You're worse than a traitor Nina. You don't even have a cause, you don't believe in anything. You would sell anyone and anything out to the highest bidder... So stop wasting my time GIVE ME A NAME!"

- Jack Bauer to Nina Myers

"Who is the man in Visalia?"

-Jack Bauer

Jack Bauer vs. Nina Myers. It doesn't get any better than this.

Because it is believed by CTU that Nina may have information on the nuclear bomb, she is brought to CTU. Jack comes face-to-face with Nina for the first time since she killed his wife. George Mason is reluctant to let Jack interrogate Nina but he convinces George he can put his desire for revenge aside so he can find the bomb.

Jack enters the room with a Presidential pardon for Nina. In exchange, Nina is supposed to tell Jack what she knows. Of course, Nina doesn't make it easy and plays games. Not a good idea when dealing with Jack Bauer. Jack's had enough of Nina's stalling - he turns over the table and demands loudly that he be given a name.

Nina reminds Jack that he can't touch her or he'll be removed from the case. Nina thinks she's in control and tells Jack he'll just have to "follow my lead." Jack then loses it and pushes her chair against the wall and chokes her until George enters the room demanding he let her go. Did Jack really lose it or was it part of the interrogation?

Jack explains to George that it had to look that way in order to put some fear into Nina. George wants to take Jack off the case, but Jack asks George to let him go back in. George agrees.

Jack goes back in and demands to know who the man is in Visalia she knows that is involved with the bomb. Jack emphasizes his point by shooting two gun shots into the wall above Nina's head. After that Nina provides more information but won't give up his exact location until they get there. It is decided that they will have to give into Nina's demand and get ready to go to Visalia.

When it comes to classic 24 interrogation scenes, this one has to be one of the best, if not the best. There are so many dynamics going on here. This isn't just about finding the location of a nuclear bomb that is threatening LA, it is also a very personal situation for Jack. He has to interrogate the woman who killed his wife and put aside his desire for revenge in order to serve the greater good. Jack is also having to deal with the fact that in exchange for her help, Nina will receive a full pardon from the President.

All of those layers are played out beautifully in these scenes by both Sarah Clarke and Kiefer Sutherland.

Both Interrogation Scenes Can Be Viewed Here:


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