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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This is a Union Shop...

private busi..mess

I laugh everytime Wendy's rag takes a stab at SEIU or unions in about ostriches...just take a wild look around at all the private businesses ( AIG, Fannie/Freddie, Enron, News-Press etc) who are trying to destroy America or their own towns! Usually, these businesses are staffed by non union asswipes who are looking for a quick buck..the worst America has to work ethic, no ethics..period. Just a bunch of gamblers addicted to money and profits.. folks who got rich off the work of Wendy! In other words, PARASITES!
Wall Street used to offer a reliable way to invest a little cash..pick a company, buy stock cheap, watch it grow..a long term legit Wall Street resembles a Casino..the name should be changed to "Craps Street"...and now we need the American people, many who worked for years in union shops, to bail out the hucksters and morons who bought homes they could not afford....
The unions are like regulators..they make sure the employer is going to give you a fair shake..they work on behalf of the work force..for wages, health benefits and a secure retirement...a simple concept that private business should embrace..some do, most don't...there are many private businesses of course that don't need long do you plan to work in a tee-shirt store or deliver newspapers. Unions are best for long term skilled career blue collar folks or unrepresented workers..people who provide a real service to communities....
So anytime you see the NewsPress repeat editorials about evil unions, it is done because Wendy, Nip and Travis are anti-worker, fearful, ignorant and feel a sense of entitlement to break labor laws due to Wendy's wealth...justice has been slow and half- blind regarding the NewsPress, and management continues to play the little victim..but private businesses who operate in this fashion are on the way endangered species, an anomaly, a riddle wrapped inside an enigma, a pain in the ass, fools in paradise...

"you can fool some of the people most of the time"...I said that.

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