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Sunday, January 24, 2010

AddictedTo24 Exclusive: Thoughts About Season 8 Premiere



Jack Bauer: "What have you done?!..."This is over!"

Renee Walker: "I'm just getting started." 

Episode 4, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Well, it's finally here! The season premiere 24 season 8.

First off, I'd like to say I haven't enjoyed a premiere as much as this one since the premiere of season 5. It is amazing to me that after being on since 2001, this show continues to do a great job of drawing the viewer in and leave you wanting more.

Here are some initial observations and thoughts I had about the first 4 hours:

New York Setting: I absolutely love the new season being set in NYC. New York City definitely does fit the energy of 24 and Jack Bauer.

Jack As A Grandpa: It was good to see Jack in a happy place for a change at the beginning of the season. Retired and babysitting his granddaughter; certainly a very different place for Jack Bauer. A very sweet scene between them when he's trying to find a cartoon for Teri to watch. I also liked later in episode 2 where she sees him at CTU and she gives him the picture she drew. Very sweet and very unusual for 24.

Peace Conference/Assassination Threat Storyline: I like this storyline as well. Rather than a big threat such as a nuclear bomb, bioweapon or nerve gas, I thought it was a good idea for the threat to be against one person, President Hassan. Shades of Season 1, which I loved. The threat is similar as in season 1, but different too because it involves a world leader rather than a U.S. Senator.

The New CTU New York: Really like the new high-tech CTU New York. Very cool on using the drones to monitor the city. I really like the whole look and feel of the new CTU. I'm glad it's back too. The FBI was good last season but I missed CTU.

New CTU Characters: Not sure yet what I think of the new CTU characters. I need to see them in more episodes but in general I'm liking them. The Dana Walsh "I've got a secret past" storyline is somewhat interesting, but it's still so early, I can't make a judgment yet. I do like what I've seen so far of the Freddie Prinze, Jr. character, Cole Ortiz. It was good how he maneuvered his car to help save President Hassan and then when the Russian assassin (Davros) had him hostage I liked how he told CTU he was with him knowing he would being killed. Of course, Jack came in at that moment and blew the assassin away! :) Arlo who works the drones at CTU hasn't had much screen time yet (other than flirting with Dana Walsh) so I don't know what to make of him yet. He didn't know who Jack Bauer was! Where has he been?

They Pull Jack Back In (Again): This isn't exactly a new storyline, Jack has been out of government service before and has been pulled back in, but this time he is more reluctant than ever to be of service to CTU. I like how gradually, little by little Jack helps out and gets pulled further and further back in.

Kim and Jack: I know there are a lot of fans who never really liked Kim Bauer, but I was never one of them. There were times she drove me crazy but I always liked the character. I really enjoyed the scene between Jack and Kim when her family went by CTU to see Jack and she told him to go back into CTU and help Chloe.

I wasn't expecting Kim to do that and what I liked about it was that she finally showed some maturity and understood Jack's sense of duty. She knew if something happened and the assassination threat succeeded, Jack would regret not trying to do anything to stop it.

This scene was very well written and acted by Kiefer Sutherland and Elisha Cuthbert. My favorite scene of the first two episodes.

Jack and Chloe: Another good scene prior to the Kim/Jack scene was when Jack was leaving and Chloe begged him to stay and help her. I liked how she brought up all the times she's helped Jack and did a lot of crazy things for him and she never let him down. Jack still said no, which surprised me. I really felt bad for Chloe when Jack rejected her like that.

New CTU Director: I think I'm actually going to like the new CTU Director, Brian Hastings but right now he's driving me nuts because he's SO dense! He is certainly no Bill Buchanan. I really like the actor who plays him so I think I will grow to like the character. How many CTU Directors is this now who won't listen to Jack?

Awesome Jack Bauer Kill: One of the best all-time Jack Bauer kills in episode 1: sudden ax to the chest! Epic! The fall from the staircase by one of the bad guys was excellently shot as well.

The Return of Renee Walker: What can you say about Renee's return? Wow! She is certainly not the by-the-book FBI agent we saw at the beginning of Season 7. I love everything about the turn this character has taken so far. From her awkward conversation with Chloe when she first arrives to CTU, to her reunion with Jack Bauer and briefing at CTU.

This character has certainly been through a great deal to say the least since she was fired by the FBI. Clearly damaged and more dangerous, Renee put all this on display with what she did to Ziya at the end of episode 4. Renee at this point reminds me very much of Jack at the beginning of season 2.

It appears Renee had her "I'm gonna need a hacksaw" moment in the closing moments of episode 4. I think she even scared Jack after what she did to Ziya! Jack clearly has his hands full trying to keep this one under control.

Final Thoughts About Premiere: As I mentioned at the beginning, I haven't enjoyed a 24 premiere more since season 5. I am really pumped for this season and I am really looking forward to seeing what happens with all the storylines.

I can finally look forward to Monday's now!

-By 24FanForever

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