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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mr. Brown is Going to Washinton

It wasn’t suppose to happen!

In a stunning upset in the Blue state of Massachusetts, Republican Scott Brown beat Democrat Martha Coakley and sent shock waves across the across the country and most certainly rocked the offices of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and most definitely President Barack Obama.

In one year after Barack Obama’s historic inauguration where Democrats salivated over the prospect of “changing America” into a Liberal Utopian Paradise at the people’s expense, Independent voters in Massachusetts voted in droves to repudiate President Obama’s obscenely expensive Health Care bill.

Scott Brown ran on a simple message that he delivered across the land of John Adams in his pick up truck, “I will be the 41st vote to stop this health care plan and cut your taxes too.”

They came, they voted, he won.

"I voted for Obama because I wanted change. ... I thought he'd bring it to us, but I just don't like the direction that he's heading," said John Triolo, 38, a registered independent who voted in Fitchburg.

Whispers are already making the rounds in Democrat circles in D.C. that despite Brown’s election, the Dems will seek a nuclear option to precede with ObamaCare.

Yes, these guys never learn.

However, some prominent Democrats like Evan Bayh have responded to these rumors with a stern and possibly prophetic warning to his fellow colleagues that such a move can have “catastrophic” consequences in the upcoming 2010 midterm elections in November.

Don’t underestimate the foolishness of the Democrat party.

The wave that started in Virginia with the election of Republican Bob McDonnell picked up enough steam to usher fellow GOPer Chris Christie in New Jersey and continued to tidal wave Scott Brown into Ted Kennedy’s old seat thanks to the ghosts of the Boston Tea party making their presences felt once again.

Scott Brown is going to Washington!

Oh Happy Day!

Via Yahoo News

Via ABC News

Via Fox News

From The Last Tradition

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