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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Health Care Bill to Pass in 30 Days or Less

In politics there are things said for the public to hear, but it’s a totally different story behind closed doors.

As recently as a few days ago, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said with a straight face that there weren’t enough votes in the House to pass the senate version of ObamaCare.

What great news for the voters of Massachusetts and the rest of the country who celebrated the recent election of Scott Brown who ran on a promise to be the 41st vote against Health Care reform and who Obama says was voted into office out of public anger.

However, if you think that President Barack Obama and his far Left Liberal base in congress are going to stop cold with their pursuit of their wildly expensive Health Care reform bill, think again.

TPM Video

These are Democrats!

Nationalized Health Care has been a Liberal wet dream since the days of Theodore Roosevelt. But, maybe you might think that Democrats might slow it down and listen to the American people for a change.

Fat chance!

That’s just as likely as 24/7 coverage on C-SPAN of the meetings behind closed doors between Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid figuring out how exactly they can do the nasty do--passing health care.

However, congressman Alan Grayson, the lovable loon of the House of Representatives, who wanted A.G. Eric Holder to prosecute the creator of a parody website, My Congressman Is, may have let the cat out the bag of whats happening in the shadows of congress on Hard Ball with Chris Matthews:

Yeah, Grayson may be a nutjob, but don’t sleep on the thought that its business as usual in Obamaworld despite the Massachusetts Massacre.

Via Memeoradum

Via Dakota Voice

Via Politico

Via Think Progress

Via Talking Points Memo

From The Last Tradition

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