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Friday, April 30, 2010

More Photos From 24 Wrap Party In LA - 4/30/10


Source: Getty Images

More Photos From 24 Wrap Party In LA - 4/30/10


Source: Getty Images

First Photos From 24 Wrap Party In LA - 4/30/10

Jon Voight & Kiefer Sutherland

 Hmmm...who could this handsome gent be? 
Oh I think it's Kiefer Sutherland (aka Jack Bauer) 

 Annie Wersching (Renee Walker) 

Sources: Getty Images and twitpic

First Photos From 24 Wrap Party In LA - 4/30/10

Jon Voight & Kiefer Sutherland

 Hmmm...who could this handsome gent be? 
Oh I think it's Kiefer Sutherland (aka Jack Bauer) 

 Annie Wersching (Renee Walker) 

Sources: Getty Images and twitpic

Did President Barack Obama Cheat on his Wife with Vera Baker?

Well, all I can say at this juncture is that when the National Enquirer broke the John Edwards chatting story, nobody in the main stream media took it serious.

From The National Enquirer:

PRESIDENT OBAMA has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington, DC Hotel with a former campaign aide, sources say.

And now, a hush-hush security video that shows everything could topple both Obama's presidency and marriage to Michelle!

A confidential investigation has learned that Obama first became close to gorgeous 35 year-old
VERA BAKER in 2004 when she worked tirelessly to get him elected to the US Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions.

While Baker has insisted in the past that "nothing happened" between them, the ENQUIRER has learned that top anti-Obama operatives are offering more than $1 million to witnesses to reveal what they know about the alleged hush-hush affair.

Among those being offered money is a limo driver who says that he took Vera to a secret hotel rendezvous where the President was staying.

On the condition of anonymity, the limo driver said he took Baker "from a friend's home in the DC area to the Hotel George where I learned later that Obama would be spending the night."

The driver recalled that he "waited in the lobby while she went to change her outfit.

"But to the best of knowledge she did not have a room at the hotel and she was not staying there so I thought that it was a bit odd."

The driver said he then picked up Obama at the airport and drove both he and Baker to various locations while he was campaigning for funds. Vera accompanied him to each meeting.
"About 10:30 PM, I drove them to the hotel and they went in together!"

"My services for the evening were done - and there was no indication she was going to leave the hotel that night."

A top DC source told The ENQUIRER exclusively that the driver's account had been independently corroborated by investigators
who believe the couple spent the night together at the hotel.

The ENQUIRER has also learned that on-site hotel surveillance video camera footage could provide indisputable evidence.

"Investigators are attempting to obtain a tape from the hotel (that) shows Vera and Barack together," the DC insider confided.

"If the tape surfaces, it will explode the scandal."

UPDATE: 10:21 EST It looks like history is repeating itself! Neither of two local 10:00 PM local newscasts have referd to this story. It's the National Enquierer John Edwards go at it alone all over again.

Via National Enquirer

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

Angelina Jolle and Bard Pit Twins May Have Down Syndrome?

Hey, Brad you’ve aged so much since you left Jennifer to shack up with Angelina.

Now it’s time to deal with the consequences of your choices. If Sarah and Todd Palin can deal with Down Syndrome why is this being protrayed as a tragedy for Brangelina?

From The National Enquirer:

BRAD PITT and ANGELINA JOLIE's heartbreaking new family crisis - tormented by speculation their 21-month-old twins are suffering from Down syndrome.

The Hollywood superstars are grappling with online chatter about babies Knox and Vivienne, and bloggers say the children appear to have the developmental disorder.

Children with the Down syndrome genetic disorder are detected by developmental delays -- physical characteristics, include rounded face, flattened profiles and upward slanted eyes.

And it's those descriptions that have sparked the false online speculation.

"Brad and Angie would subtly try to degstimatize the issue by not hiding them," a close family friend said.

The Last Tradition


what do animal abuse and free speech have to do with each other??
the Supreme Court ruled that it's ok to make and sell "crush" videos..not to do so would violate free speech..a "crush" video is, apparently, a video of women crushing/stomping on small animals for the sexual gratification of the men watching...when I read this I tried to imagine what man would do this? who are these men..they can't be real men...but..but..I've never met a man who would do this type of this type of video...where in the human brain does this get processed? in the which lobe is this lingering...If you're a woman holding a cat, I wouldn't want you to stomp it to death while I...well, what is going on here?? I'm not ashamed to admit it, I feel like crying!! I can't even conceive of such men..they can't be men, they must be..Supreme Court justices!!
Look at these guys..they ruled that animal abuse is ok as long as it's for sexual fulfillment! These justices must have crush videos at home because they all look like deviants! John Roberts especially..this dude is majorly sick if you've watched him..he looks EXACTLY like the kind of guy who would watch a crush video..what a pathetic waste of genetic this fuck is...and Bush appointed him!! Alito, too!
I wish I could talk to these fubs but they are always hiding behind their desks like royalty..these are not men of the people, at all...but I tell ya, if I had moment to bend their ears a bit, I certainly would...

Mary Lynn Rajskub on Jimmy Fallon: 4/28/10

Source: 24Spoilers/TwitVid

Mary Lynn Rajskub on Jimmy Fallon: 4/28/10

Source: 24Spoilers/TwitVid

Mary Lynn Rajskub Good Day NY Interview

MYFOXNY.COM - Actress Mary Lynn Rajskub stars in "24" as Chloe O'Brian since Season 3. This current season is the hit show's last. Mary Lynn comes to talk about her character and how the viewers have yet to be clear if she has loyalty to Jack/country/president. Mary Lynn discusses what she plans to do after the show is over, the series finale party, and how she thinks "24" should end.

Mary Lynn Rajskub Good Day NY Interview

MYFOXNY.COM - Actress Mary Lynn Rajskub stars in "24" as Chloe O'Brian since Season 3. This current season is the hit show's last. Mary Lynn comes to talk about her character and how the viewers have yet to be clear if she has loyalty to Jack/country/president. Mary Lynn discusses what she plans to do after the show is over, the series finale party, and how she thinks "24" should end.

Mary Lynn Rajskub opens up about Kiefer Sutherland


Mary Lynn Rajskub opens up about Kiefer Sutherland


Two Faced Democrats Kirsten Gillibrand and Chris Dodd Cozying Up to Wall Street Fat Cats for Money Contributions

Yesterday TLT reported on Dem pol Pedro Espada who has been a champion of the minimum wage in public, but pays his own employee slaves wages.

Democrats always operate with two faces!

Today it’s been revealed that two Democrat senators are having a fundraiser to raise money for their campaign coffers and their special invitees are Wall Street heavy hitters.

Democrats love to posture at senate hearing during the day and portray themselves as the protector of Joe Mainstreet. But, at night under the cover of darkness they stick out their grubby hands of the people they just bashed at the hearing.

Who are the true suckers?

You, the American people.

From The New York Post:

Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Chris Dodd of Connecticut will cozy up to Wall Street fat cats at an uptown campaign fund-raiser Monday, even as they help President Obama whack the financial industry with tough new regulations.

Gillibrand and Dodd, chief architect of the crackdown, will mingle with a who's who of Wall Street big shots and New York Democratic moneymen.

Contributors will pay up to $10,000 per person to attend the event at the Park Avenue home of investment executive Ralph Schlosstein and big-time donor Jane Hartley, according to an invitation obtained by The Post.

The guest list includes JPMorgan honcho David Topper, Wall Street lawyer Dick Beattie, hedge-fund investor James Torrey and ex-Clinton Treasury big Roger Altman.

"Senator Gillibrand's support for strong financial reform proves there is zero conflict," spokesman Matt Canter said.
"The event is not an industry event. It is being hosted by some of the leading Democratic donors in New York City, many of who have supported Senator Gillibrand since her first run for Congress."
Dodd spokesman Bryan DeAngelis agreed.

Via New York Post

The Last Tradition

In Conversation With Kiefer Sutherland

With the season finale of 24 due to hit our screens on May 24, actor Kiefer Sutherland, aka Jack Bauer offers the inside scoop to an audience at BAFTA.
  • Hear the man behind Jack Bauer pay tribute to his skilled co-stars and directors.
  • Discover the valuable career lessons he's learnt along the way.
  • Get the inside view on the final episodes of 24, Season 8.
Kiefer Sutherland has played the action-packed role of special agent Jack Bauer in the series 24 since the show’s launch over eight years ago.
First broadcast in November 2001, 24 has won a global fan base through its groundbreaking 'real-time' format and multiple plot twists. Day 8, the much anticipated final series of the show, premiered at the start of the year.

On 16 April 2010, Kiefer joined presenter Andrew Collins at BAFTA to offer an insider view of the show and reflect on his personal experiences playing the iconic protagonist.

During the course of 24, Jack Bauer has battled against terrorist plots, biological and nuclear threats, attempts to assassinate the US president and moles within his Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU). Kiefer explains how such a demanding script required an intense level and volume of filming, “14 hours a day, 7 days a week, 10 months a year for 8 years”.

Yet, for the movie-actor-turned-TV-star, 24 has proved to be the greatest education of his career, gaining him more experience and confidence than any of his film work. Watching clips of his on-screen higlights he radiates enthusiasm for the medium of television and explains how a move from film into TV is increasingly being seen as a healthy career change.

Kiefer goes on to describe his co-stars and directors with great admiration. He explains how director Howard Gordon’s work on the final series “took my breath away”, pointing to his ability to create dramatic scenes of high tension by often switching the tempo between fast action and static poignancy. 

This event was held in association with Sky. The series finale 24 will air on Sky1 HD and Sky1 on May 24 2010

More About Kiefer Sutherland

Kiefer Sutherland is a London-born, Canadian actor, producer and director, best known for his role as special agent Jack Bauer in the successful US drama series 24.

Throughout his career he has won the accolades of Best Actor for a television series drama at the 2001 Golden Globe Awards, and Outstanding Lead Actor for a drama series at the 2006 Primetime Emmy Awards.

In Conversation With Kiefer Sutherland

With the season finale of 24 due to hit our screens on May 24, actor Kiefer Sutherland, aka Jack Bauer offers the inside scoop to an audience at BAFTA.
  • Hear the man behind Jack Bauer pay tribute to his skilled co-stars and directors.
  • Discover the valuable career lessons he's learnt along the way.
  • Get the inside view on the final episodes of 24, Season 8.
Kiefer Sutherland has played the action-packed role of special agent Jack Bauer in the series 24 since the show’s launch over eight years ago.
First broadcast in November 2001, 24 has won a global fan base through its groundbreaking 'real-time' format and multiple plot twists. Day 8, the much anticipated final series of the show, premiered at the start of the year.

On 16 April 2010, Kiefer joined presenter Andrew Collins at BAFTA to offer an insider view of the show and reflect on his personal experiences playing the iconic protagonist.

During the course of 24, Jack Bauer has battled against terrorist plots, biological and nuclear threats, attempts to assassinate the US president and moles within his Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU). Kiefer explains how such a demanding script required an intense level and volume of filming, “14 hours a day, 7 days a week, 10 months a year for 8 years”.

Yet, for the movie-actor-turned-TV-star, 24 has proved to be the greatest education of his career, gaining him more experience and confidence than any of his film work. Watching clips of his on-screen higlights he radiates enthusiasm for the medium of television and explains how a move from film into TV is increasingly being seen as a healthy career change.

Kiefer goes on to describe his co-stars and directors with great admiration. He explains how director Howard Gordon’s work on the final series “took my breath away”, pointing to his ability to create dramatic scenes of high tension by often switching the tempo between fast action and static poignancy. 

This event was held in association with Sky. The series finale 24 will air on Sky1 HD and Sky1 on May 24 2010

More About Kiefer Sutherland

Kiefer Sutherland is a London-born, Canadian actor, producer and director, best known for his role as special agent Jack Bauer in the successful US drama series 24.

Throughout his career he has won the accolades of Best Actor for a television series drama at the 2001 Golden Globe Awards, and Outstanding Lead Actor for a drama series at the 2006 Primetime Emmy Awards.

More Americans Favor Than Oppose Arizona Immigration Law: Gallup Poll

Hey, Democrats you want to bring up Immigration Reform as a way to gin up your base and get them to the polls in November?

Go right ahead baby!

In yet another poll a majority of the American people favor the new Arizona Immigration Law.

So get angry and cry discrimination, racial profiling, call for a boycotts of Arizona Ice Tea even though it’s made in New York, march in the streets and show illegal burning the American flag, and of course your all time favorite, pull the racism card, all you want!

It will only backfire against you and underscore the fact that you’re a desperate party trying to maintain power by misstating the facts and using sheer demagoguery to mask a Far Left agenda that is hopelessly out-of-step with the American people.

From Gallup:

More than three-quarters of Americans have heard about the state of Arizona's new immigration law, and of these, 51% say they favor it and 39% oppose it.

These results are based on a new Gallup poll conducted April 27-28, in the days after Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's signing the bill into law.
The law makes it a state crime for illegal immigrants to be in the country, and allows Arizona law enforcement officials to detain those suspected of being in the country illegally unless they can prove otherwise. The law has sparked protests in Arizona and other parts of the U.S., and calls for economic boycotts of the state.

Nationally, 62% of Republicans support the law (including 75% of Republicans who have heard about it).

Democrats are more likely to oppose (45%) than favor (27%) the law, and a majority of Democrats familiar with the law (56%) oppose it.
Independents are somewhat more likely to favor (37%) than oppose (29%) the law, with half of those who have heard about it in favor.

Bottom Line
Most Americans have heard about Arizona's tough new immigration law, and they generally support it. The law was passed partly in response to a lack of federal action on the issue. Since the Arizona bill became law, congressional Democrats have considered taking up the issue in the coming weeks, though this initial read on public opinion toward the Arizona law suggests Americans may not necessarily back an attempt to supersede or otherwise undermine it.

Via Gallup

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Alabama Candidate Tim JamesVows to Conduct Driver's Test Only in English

I have no problem having government documents only in Englsih.

From Fox News:

As if tension over immigration weren't high enough, Alabama gubernatorial candidate Tim James just dialed up the volume on the debate with a new ad declaring that, if elected, he will allow the state's driver's license test to be conducted only in English.

The brief ad shows James, son of former Alabama Gov. Fob James, taking issue with the many languages offered to administer the test.
The ad comes as national debate rages over the recently signed Arizona law that makes illegal immigration a state crime, and as lawmakers on Capitol Hill argue over whether to tackle comprehensive immigration legislation.

James' ad has drawn widespread criticism, but he told supporters this week that he's just being attacked by "lefties," according to The Birmingham News.

Though James described his proposal as a cost-saving idea, any move to administer the test in just English reportedly could put federal transportation dollars to the state at risk based on a prior court ruling examining the issue.

The Last Tradition

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

There's been many versions of the story of the infamous gunfight at the O.K. Corral including John Ford's My Darling Clementine with Hery Fonda and Ward Bond.

But, I have a soft spot for this version with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas. I don't give a hoot if it's not historically accurate. I

t's just damn fun to watch.

The Last Tradition

Transformers Evo Single en Descarga Directa

Que tal mis amigos, ésta vez les traigo a ustedes nuevamente el single de Transformers Animated: Transformers Evo. Pero no es el single unicamente con la canción TF Evo, sino que éste el single original, que incluye la cancion "Praise Be To Decepticon" - Muy Buena canción, al menos a mi me agrado mucho^^ - En fin, aquí les dejo el link de descarga junto con las caniones para que las puedan oir antes de descargarlo. Nos vemos la próxima con más noticias. Transform And Rollout!!!

Transformers Evo

Praise Be To Decepticon

Link de Descarga: Jam Project - Transformers Evo (Single)

Rielle Hunter on Oprah: I'm Not a Home Wrecker!

People can't get enough of train wrecks and Oprah is an expert of showing the crashes.

From The Hollywood Gossip

Rielle Hunter, mistress to that disgrace John Edwards and mother to his two-year-old love child, gives her first TV interview today on the Oprah Winfrey Show.
The weird videographer recounts how the former presidential candidate's cancer-stricken wife, Elizabeth, slowly learned the full extent of his affair with Rielle.

Slowly being the operative word.

Rielle Hunter recalls how it was Elizabeth who encouraged John to come clean about his infidelity in 2008 ... even though she didn't know "the whole truth."

In the first interview John gave confirming his affair with Rielle, he denied fathering her child. Edwards finally admitted it earlier this year. What a sleaze.

Perhaps the most disturbing thing about Rielle Hunter? Besides the fact that she's still around at all? She somehow denies breaking up the politician's marriage.

"She doesn't think she's a home wrecker," Winfrey told the AP regarding Hunter. "She does not think she played a key role in breaking up the Edwards marriage."

Hunter told GQ in March (after taking off her pants, then dubiously claiming she was repulsed by the photos): "Infidelity doesn't happen in healthy marriages."

"The break in marriage happens before infidelity. That break happened, you know, two-and-a-half decades before I got there. The home was wrecked already."

Whatever helps you sleep at night, loser.
John and Elizabeth recently separated after 33 years of marriage. They had four children together. Follow the jump for the first clip of Rielle on Oprah ...

From Post

Rielle Hunter talks about John Edwards, Andrew Young and her baby during an interview in her Charlotte, N.C., home with Oprah Winfrey.
John Edwards' former mistress Rielle Hunter contends that she is not to blame for the demise of the politician's marriage to Elizabeth Edwards and that the couple had problems for "many years" before she entered the picture, reports.

"I do not believe I wrecked his home," Hunter, who has a child with Edwards, said on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" Thursday.
She said people who call her a fame-seeker or home-wrecker "bought into the myth of the [Edwards] marriage, [that] it was so perfect and it was so wonderful and I destroyed it," she says.

Hunter knew Edwards was a married father before the affair started, but says she couldn't stop herself. "The power of the love does override all the issues that come up," she says. "He wanted to be with me and their marriage had problems for many years." Hunter also claims John Edwards knew she wasn't using birth control during their affair and never asked her to terminate the pregnancy.

But she refused to reveal the current status of her relationship with the one-time presidential candidate, telling Oprah Winfrey that the information is private.

Hunter, 46, describes her initial attraction to Edwards after meeting him at a campaign event at a New York City hotel in February 2006, saying, "There was just a connection."

They soon then began their affair. Hunter became pregnant in May 2007, which she does not regret. Her "biggest regret," she says, was agreeing to let Edwards' friend and adviser, Andrew Young, claim paternity of the child. Their daughter Frances Quinn was born in February 2008 and John Edwards met the baby three weeks later during a meeting "filled with love," she says.

These days, Edwards and his wife are separated. He sees Quinn on a regular basis, and provides support both for his child and Hunter, who says she still loves the former senator.

Asked if she believes she has hurt Elizabeth Edwards, Hunter says, "You would have to ask Elizabeth that."

Will Post More Vdieo when availible.

The Last Tradition

Oprah Winfrey Debates with Her Lover Gayle King Says Reille Hunter is Not a Floozy (Radio Interview)

Just thought you might like to listen how Oprah Winfrey rationalizes life.

The Last Tradition

Democrat Sen Pedro Espada Paid Latino Employee Slave Wages

As frequently is the case, Democrat politicians always portray themselves as the champion of the little guy fighting against the interests of the rich, powerful, and White special interests

That’s the public face of the Democrat Party and it fools millions of people all the time.

However, here in New York City, Democrat State Senator Pedro Espada, who has been a champion of the minimum wage law like most Dems, failed to live up to what he advocates when it comes to paying people that work for him.

From The New York Post:

It was practically slave labor.

State Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada paid janitors as little as $1.70 per hour through a sham job-training program that helped him line his own pockets, Attorney General Andrew Cuomo charged in the state's latest lawsuit against the embattled Democrat.

Cuomo -- a Democrat expected to run for governor -- slapped Espada with a civil suit yesterday, claiming the Bronx politician exploited 100 janitors by making them work for two weeks at a time without benefits as part of a bogus job-training program, instead of hiring them as full-time employees.

"They cheated me out of my time and services," said Shahking Gomez, 30, a Bronx father who was out of work for a year when he started working at Espada's Soundview health-care center.

Gomez said he was told he'd have to complete a two-week "training program" for which he'd be paid $200 before he could get a full-time gig.
"I figured, $200, oh, well, as long as I get a permanent position."

But the "training program" wasn't any different from normal work, and at the end of the two weeks, Gomez said he was given a certificate and his walking papers. He was told there were no permanent openings.
Full story

Believe me people, this is how the Democrat Party truly rolls when the cameras are off and nobody is watching.

Via New York Post
The Last Tradition

see the deer...

does the deer have any doe?..ya, two bucks!..Nyuck Nyuck
it's no secret that AOL has veered to the right and most of its headlines concern gossip like Sandra Bullock's divorce ala Rupert Murdoch's New York Post ... and now they are censoring comments! No wonder its stock has dropped way down! When people start censoring they use the "too much vulgarity" excuse. In reality, there's too much honesty and they can't handle's all covered in Psych 101..refer to yur textbooks...tell me why do we have laws for every neurotic impulse people have? why?? we don't need more laws, we need more psychologists!!
New Comments System on the Way
Valued AOL News readers, we have heard your requests for a commenting area that supports lively discourse -- including a wide range of opinion across the political spectrum -- but does not tolerate vulgarity and hate-mongering. Although it is taking some time, AOL is working hard to reconfigure the system so that it is a top-notch experience for all visitors to the site. In the meantime, Facebook users can visit AOL News on Facebook to join the conversations there. Please also continue to send us your thoughts via our feedback page...
Telemarketers are Worms...
Pacific Home Solutions
keeps calling me..telemarketers are soooo rude! Well...I can be rude, too..when Carla from PHS called, I could hear the other telemarketers yakking in the back see, they all sit around in a little room with telephones and call people up with a lame sales pitch....What a stupid ass job!! Anyway, Carla asked me a bunch of stupid stuff, I asked her what she was wearing and if she'd like me to f#$k her little pu*&y...which is the ill- mannered equivalent of me calling someone up trying to sell them something..I think I was actually more polite since SHE CALLED ME FIRST, but she giggled and hung the point is ladies, don't call me unless you got some sugar for Mick....

Más persojanes para War For Cybertron: Warpath y Barricade

Y la óla de personajes para WFC sigue y sigue su curso y no para, hace unas pocas horas se dió a conocer que Warpath y Barricade seran personajes del nuevo video juego que está por venir. Sinceramente espero que con tantos personajes el juego valga la pena porque hasta ahora hemos visto mucho y poco a la vez. Bien, aquí les dejo  las fichas técnicas de ambos personajes.


Ficha Técnica:

Bando: Autobot
Arma: Repetidor de Neutrones, Martillo de Energón
Habilidades: Misiles guiados, Barrera
Personalidad: Confidente, Agresivo, Conciso, Terquedad

Warpath es escandaloso, confiable, hábil y fiel a sus amigos y compañeros Autobots. A causa de su cañón sorprendemente grande él se vuelve parcialmente sordo. Su hobby favorito es mostrarle a sus amigos cómo puede partir una nuez desde una milla y media de lejos con su arma del tanque. arpath disfruta con pasión el ponerle presión a los Decepticons en el campo de batalla.


Ficha Técnica:

Bando: Decepticon
Arma: Repetidor de Neutrones, Cimitarra de Energón
Habilidades: Onda de choque, Encubrimiento
Personalidad: Lógico y frío fuera de combate, fiero durante combate.

Barricade es un verdadero demonio de la velocidad, utiliza su motor para alcanzar velocidades de incluso algunos jets ls es imposible alcanzar. Es un líder brutal en el campo de batalla y regaña a los Decepticons que no se adaptan a sus estándares y a los de Megatron. Su táctica preferída es insultar a los Autobots, transformándose y persiguiéndolos, para llevarlos a rutas fatales que solo él puede navegar.

Imagenes review de Transformers Ongoing Nº6

Si mis amigos, la guerra se armo y se armo con todo y aquí las pruebas!. Les dejo imagenes previas de lo que va a ser Ongoing número seis para que se deleiten de las ganas con ésta preciosura de comic, tan pronto se encuntre en ingles y traducido los publicaré a ambos omo siempre hago. Pero en fin, vayamos a las imagenes de una fucking vez! Transform And Rollout!

Espero que Ultra le rompa hasta los servos, se nota que soy un poquito fan de Magnus no? :P

Espero que no lo mate, sino no me va a gustar la serie ¬¬

Rodimus espero que te rompan el tubo de escape por provocar semejante despelote!! ¬¬ (QUE TE PRENDAN FUEGO CABRON!¬¬)

                                                             Optimus To The Rescueee!!!!

Espero que lo hayan disfrutado, nos vemos luego con más noticias!