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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

deep in the heart of Texas...

should inbreeding be outlawed??
is Texas the most backward state in the union? Remember Tea-baggers..there's 57 states now not 13...just a reminder. Texas is a place where the sun don't shine and yet, it shines the brightest...we got Willie Nelson living there, so it can't be all bad. . I think it's somewhere in Texas between the earth and sky, we'll find the most happiness....I would love to own a ranch in Texas, but first I gotta deal with the folks who are giving the Lone Star state a bad name: Rick Perry and George Bush..we know about Bush but Perry's latest prank involved shooting a seems Perry was jogging in the country with his little dog, packing a gun when a coyote popped out of the brush and wanted to eat the here we will find a nature lesson and highlight the supreme stupidity of man...Perry shoots and kills the one grieves for a dead coyote except me and that CarpCoyote guy, but I gotta tell ya, shooting animals for sports is a dumbass idea...then I see that Perry also shoots snakes for sport because they scare I need to tell you the value of wild animals? Not in California where we're pretty savvy about the balance of nature, but these Texans, these lame Texans, ignorance is a way of life!! I think they need me to pay them a visit...first of all, your little dog doesn't belong out in the woods with you..leave him home.He is not equipped to handle the wild because with all your pampering you've turned him into a pussy...the dog, not the governor...the pussy, not the cat...cats on the other hand can do what they like because they have nine lives and can survive anywhere, like coyotes. The response to killing a bunch of coyotes for no reason is they breed faster! They are wired to survive!
ok...the wild animals like snakes are best left alone to do the work nature intends, keeping rodent populations in check and biting stupid to Rick Perry, you ignorant dumbasss cowgirl, I'll be wanting a meeting with you..soon.
Treeless in Montecito..
a letter to the phantom News-Press editor states that a Montecito couple cut down six eucalyptus on their property..she was afraid of the fire danger..geez, what is with these people..if you are so afraid of everything, then DIE MOTHERFUCKERS DIE!! she goes on to say she messed with some nesting birds who showed up in her kitchen sink! She regrets cutting down the trees and suggests we all wait for the birds to leave before firing up the chainsaw....damn, she must be from Texas!!

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