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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Barack Obama and Carl Levin (D Mich) are COB and CEO of Deceit Inc

Yesterday you may have heard that executives of Goldman Sachs were hauled in front of Congress to answer some stupid questions by idiot senators of the Democrat party who wouldn’t know the difference between a hedge fund or vacation fund if it bit them in the face.

I’m not going into any of the details of what happened at the show trial nor list the number of times Democrats uttered the words “shit’ or “shitty” to shock the public or embarrass Goldman honchos.

What’s important to know is that although Carl Levin and Barack Obama may not know what hedge funds are, they surely know how to accept checks from Goldman Sachs that filled the coffers of the Democrat party.

GS was Barack Obama’s largest corporate contributor!

Did Barack Obama care about how Goldman made their money when he was running for president?
Has Barack Obama returned the nearly million dollars he received from GS?

The answer to both question is, hell no!

And the reason why the money was collected and not returned is because Goldman made the money legally under the laws of this country.

So why is Goldman getting grilled now?

The answer to that is very simple but don’t look for it in the main stream media.

The reason GS was hauled into congress is because President Barack Hussein Obama has a 44% approval rating.

The reason GS is being beaten like a red-headed step child is because the Democrats passed Obama Care despite poll after poll showed that the American people were against it.

The reason GS is being paddled is because Democrat polititcians are dropping like flies across the country quitting their seats afraid to face the angry voters.

The reason GS is being smacked around is because the Democrats are so desperate to hold power, they’re willing to mislead the public by trying to criminalize legal business practices to score cheap political points with members of the public who don’t know a hedge fund from a can of paint, but still listen to Democrats that lead them by the nose.

Hedge funds have been around since the the 40s and they are exactly what their name says. They are designed to play both sides of a trade.

It’s been a legal investing methods for over 60 years!

That’s why Barack cashed Goldmans’s check!

But, all of a sudden when the Democrats face getting their asses kicked in November, it’s a problem.

But not enoughof a problem to return Goldman's check.

The Last Tradition

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