My friend and fellow blogger Joey Perez of Simply Reaganesque share exactly the same background. Both of us are Puerto Rican New Yorkers who are proud Conservatives who refuse to live in a box set for us by the Democrat Party.
Joey has a message for our fellow Latinos that are activity being seduced by the Democrat Party into thinking that they really have their best interests at heart.
It’s an old recycled lie and Mr. Perez sounds the alarm.
A Latino for Legal Immigration
by Joey Perez
I am back from a long layoff due to health related issues. As I sit here and ponder it is no big surprise that my first Post upon my return deals with illegal immigration. Here is the definition of Illegal Immigration...
Illegal immigration is the movement of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Now you tell me why is it so hard for the Liberals and their leadership to understand this?
I am an American first and foremost. I also happen to be of Latino/Hispanic heritage. To those Liberals out there you can call me a "Tio Tomas." I really do not care what you think of me. All I know is that I love this country and it is going down the tubes with this administration lead by our President Obama.
All they really want to do is do the same thing to the Hispanic voting block that they have done to the African American community for years. Dumb us down and enslave us to the system with all of their handouts and false promises.
Legal Latinos wise up. and look at what the Democratic Party has done for the African American community for years. Nothing but destroy their hopes and dreams with a false sense of compassion. The inner cities in this country which are populated by Blacks and have been run by Democrats for years are still as poor as they were back then. The race hustling that has gone on for years is despicable. Yet Blacks refuse to wake up and walk away from the plantation. Their own so called leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson continue to enrich themselves while their people never prosper. If the problems of the African American community were to go away these two charlatans would be out of business. It is in their best interest to keep their own people on the ropes. I would love to know what percentage of Jesse's Rainbow Coalition money goes to a poor Black kid in the inner city?
It is for these and other reasons that legal Latinos must not let this happen and must rise up against illegal immigration. They want amnesty for those here illegally for one and only one reason, their vote.
That is why I applaud the Governor of Arizona for the stance she has taken.
If you are here illegally then you are breaking the law, plain and simple.
The Bill that is in question here and has been maligned by our Liberal friends and media does nothing but protect the citizens of Arizona. It actually mirrors the Federal law which is now in existence but the government refuses tp uphold. She was elected to protect the citizens of her state and if the Federal Government is not going to do it then it is her job to protect her citizens.
All this other noise you hear about racial profiling and all of the other nonsense is just a ploy by the despicable Democratic Party and it's leadership to continue dividing this country. It is what they do best.
Join a rally somewhere. Write to your despicable congressman. Attend a Tea Party event. Get involved or our future generations will not know the America we knew.
The Last Tradition
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