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Thursday, April 29, 2010
President Obama Gives African Americans and Latinos their Marching Orders
Do you see this picture above?
I’m sure many of you will find it a bit confusing, but let me break it down for you.
In 19th and midway through 20th century African Americans voted solidly Republican because Abraham Lincoln, a Republican president, freed the slaves.
That’s how the Republican Party was born!
The true heritage of the Democrat Party is that they were the original enslavers of African Americans.
The Democrat Party wanted to keep Segregation alive forever, just like George Wallace, Gov of Alabama, said so.
The Democrat Party filibustered Civil Rights legislation in the 60 with the help of Sen Robert Byrd (D W Va), a former KKK member.
These are the facts!
How many African Americans today even know this?
President Barack Obama expects you, Mr and Mrs African American, and you Mr. and Mrs. Latino to vote Democrat this November 2010.
He doesn’t want you to think for yourselves and examine his record.
He expects you to be a robot and report as ordered and just pull the lever the Ds on the ballot, shut up, go away, don’t ask any questions as to why the Democrat Party doesn’t want your kids to get better educations in Charter Schools.
Shut up and vote the Ds!
Do you know why President Obama and the Democrats don’t like Charter Schools?
Just follow the money that comes from the Teachers unions and into their pockets.
Use the brains God gave you my brothers and sisters, please!
Democrats only want Blacks and Latinos to get just enough education to get by. But, more importantly, they don’t want your kids to get super-educated because then they won’t be able to pull the wool over people’s eyes anymore.
2 and 2 make 4.
How long will you continue to be a robot Nigger and a Robot Spic/Wetback!
Are you awake yet?
The Last Tradition
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