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Monday, June 21, 2010

Attention: John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Mike Pence Turn in your Ronald Reagan Pins

Behold what a man with courage sounds like!

Yes, We Can -- Without The Government

I don’t feel good about our prospects for the upcoming mid-term elections this November.


Because we have a very serious leadership problem in the GOP.

I could put up Ronald Reagan clips on this blog from now until Election Day in November and it won’t make a damn bit of difference if leaders like John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Mike Pence capitulate to false premises set by Democrats.

As far as I’m concerned these fearful men don’t have the right to call themselves Reagan Republicans ever again because of their treatment of a true patriot like Joe Barton.

How can we expect to set this country right again with feckless leaders like these who have become so bound by political correctness?

These men have become 21st century Neville Chamberlains for appeasing Democrats and the Left by acquiescing to PC rules of speech.

Democrats said that Joe Barton had the nerve to apologize to BP.

Instead of Republicans promptly refocusing the debate back to a proper criticism of Barack Obama circumventing our constitution by acting as judge and jury without giving BP due process, Republicans quickly accepted the false premise and appeased the Democrats without a fight!

How can the Republicans win any debate when they let the Dems set the rules of what can be said and what can’t be said?

Barack Obama’s approval ratings is in the 40s and Boehner, Cantor and Pence are still are afraid of their own shadows!

We need leaders that have the intestinal fortitude to totally ignore PC rules. Kick it in the ass! Rip it up and throw it away, and say what you mean and mean what you say.

That to me would be the first sign of audacity.

And though that man or woman will be savaged by Democrats and aided by their willing hookers in the press, the amount of public support that strong leader would receive by tens of millions of Americans would be like nothing you’d ever seen before.

Who has that kind of bravery?

I know who doesn’t!

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