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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Did Somebody Slip Rich Lowry a Flaming Lib Pill to Explain His Hit Piece on Linda McMahon?

Picture this scene:

Rich Lowry, one of the best young conservative writers in the world is at a hotel bar relaxing after a hectic day at National Review.

He orders his usual gin and tonic to relax and take his mind off Barack Obama and how he’s ruining the country, again, with his latest mishandling of the Gulf oil leak while giving Israel a cold shoulder over the Gaza Flotilla crises, when in comes a

Kim Kardashian look-a-like.

“Hello, looks like you had a hard day,” she said.

Rich doesn’t know who Kim Kardashian is, but go with the flow here.

“Uh..yeah...kinda,” Rick said, “My laptop is giving me trouble.”

They talk for about an hour and Rich is feeling pretty damn good. But then suddenly the Kim Kardashian look-a-liike points and says “Is that Lady Gaga?” When Rich turns his head, she slips a pill in his drink.

“Oh, look at the time,” she said, “I gotta go. Nice meeting you Dick.”

“But...wait!" he said.

She’s gone.!

Now, I’m not saying this is what actually happened to Rich Lowry, but I wish it were the case to be able to excuse him for temporally losing his mind for writing a hit piece on Linda McMahon, the presumptive Republican nominee for Connecticut’s senate seat.

I wish I could do to Rich what Cherdoes to Nicolas Cage in the film Moonstruck, slap him in the face and yell, “Snap out of it!”

In his column, A Queen of Schlock, Lowry writes about his dislike for McMahon’s business, the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).

Now I’m not a fan of the WWE either. And some of the points Lowry touches on I agree with.

But, it’s a successful billion dollar business Linda McMahan help build. She didn’t sit somewhere in a class room and theorize her way into success. She operated in the real world with real life pressures. The free market was the determiner of her fate and it graded Linda McMahon accordingly upon a business model she implemented.

Real decisions had to be made that affected the livelihoods of hundreds if not thousands of people.

She just didn’t read a speech off a teleprompter and thought that the job was done, or apologize for the business she represented because some people didn’t like it too much.

So what if her company didn’t build pretty little pink bird houses and employed SEIU members at union wages, or something else Rich Lowry might find more socially acceptable.

Mother Teresa is dead and she didn’t have to worry about meeting payroll anyway.

Unfortunately, we have a tendency in our Conservative circles to eat our own young and I think Rich Lowry got a little too hungry and thought he was writing for the Huffington Post.

But, I still love you, Rich!

Come back to us, babe!

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