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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New York School Sued After Teen Suspended for Wearing Rosary

I wonder if this kid were wearing beads associated with Islam, if there was such a thing, would the school administrator have suspended him?

From The New York Post:

A federal judge says a Schenectady school must reinstate a 13-year-old seventh-grader who was suspended for wearing rosary beads, pending a hearing into whether the suspension violated the boy’s civil rights.

School officials contend the boy violated a policy banning gang-related clothing, as rosary beads are sometimes worn as gang symbols.

Raymond Hosier, suspended from Oneida Middle School two weeks ago, says he wears the purple rosary in memory of his younger brother who died while clutching the beads after a bicycle accident.

The American Center for Law and Justice filed a lawsuit Tuesday in U.S. District Court contending the suspension violated Hosier’s rights to free speech and religious expression.

Judge Lawrence Kahn ordered Hosier reinstated pending a June 11 hearing.

It has become common place in this country to harass those of the Christian faith.

Yet, the Left constantly reminds the world that we should all be tolerant of other religions, except when it comes to Christianity. Then it becomes perfectly alright to depict the Virgin Mary smeared with elephant dung and call it art, or have some other Christian symbol in a jar of urine and we’re told to be understanding of freedom of expression.

I’m all for freedom of expression because that’s what America is all about. But, I don’t for one second believe that Raymond Hosier was suspended from school because of a rule against wearing beads or anything to do with gang paraphernalia.

He got tossed because he was wearing a crucifix, a symbol of Christ that the Left feels is a symbol of oppressors who stole this land from indigenous people and thus those that practice that religion must be cut down to size.


My left foot.

Via New York Post

The Last Tradition

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