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Saturday, June 5, 2010

oil and water mix it up!

Carpinterians take it to the streets...but do any of them know WTF they are talking about?
what, now everyone's an oil expert?
geez, I'm getting advice about slant oil drilling, not from the Chinese who own us, but from American houswives, real estate agents, surfers, Venoco! former mayors,tax preparers, former Carpinterians of the Year..I get mailers once twice three times a week..the same mailers! What a waste of money! There's folks setting up little card tables in front of Von's and Albertsons telling me to Vote No on J, Venoco's oil initiative...both sides are being demonized and called Carpinteria at its breaking point? I can find the answer at the Bluffs...there's two kind of people in the world, smart ones and dumb ones..I know this because I have keen observational skills and lately, dumb fucks have been coming to town. Why, in the News-Press today I read about a 34 year old woman who saw a sea lion pup at East Beach and tried to pet it..the sea lion bit her! GOOD! If that's what it takes to smarten her up, then so be it. Now, should I take oil drilling advice from a woman as dumb as this? NO!! So the Bluffs will tell you how to vote on Measure J, but you have to visit and meditate on what's going on there and trust Nature...Start at the trail head and walk all the way to the cliffs..notice the plants that have been cut down in favor of native planting...the folks who did this are from the native only cult and are against oil drilling..they disrupted habitat to manicure the Bluffs..they are dumb!
Stare out into the ocean and the waves will mesmerize the seals and pelicans and shorebirds hanging out by the pier...they are not afraid of the Venoco boats and operations..they are smart!
Next, you'll see a bunch of jackasses and their off leash dogs crapping all over the Bluffs while they scream about oil dangers..they are dumb!
hey there's a conservative! ask him and it's drill baby drill without fear or consequences..if we spill, blame the government..he's a dummy!
then, imagine, while you're looking at the beautiful California coast, what it would look like if oil starting spilling at, say, 1000 gallons per hour...pretty bad. BP and Greka would just hire someone like Mike Stoker to make excuses because they are dumb!!
I expect the mailers to keep coming as each side increases the rhetoric, but businesses must be allowed to do business if and only if they are responsible stewards of the environment..the two can go together..but what the heck do I know..I'm just a blogger!!

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