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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Obama Census: Under the Radar the Way Barack Likes It.

In light of a bomb hidden in a terrorist’s underwear, an incompatant Homeland Security secretary yelling that “All is well!” , a signing of a bankrupting health care bill by the Democrat-controlled seanate, and a Tiger out of control in a sex-harem of his own making, there sits the 2010 U.S. Census with President Obama’s golf-caloused hands holding a pencil.

Before the Stimulus bill was made into law, before Cap and Trade was passed in the House, and before Obama’s poll numbers thankfully began to tumble, in February of 2009, the Census Bureau was moved from the umbrella of the United States Commerce Department to the White House to rest right under President Obama’s nose.

Republicans raised a fuss for awhile and complained about a government power grab, but all that faded into the whisks of time.

Just the way Obama wanted it to happen!

Well, it’s time to raise a fuss again.

Having seen what the Obama administration has done thus far with phony promises of transparency only to end up as lies behind closed doors, Obama cannot be trusted to act honorably.

I suspect the president has some more fancy tricks up his sleeve like certain Republicans districts vanishing into thin air with the help of his trusty eraser with Saul Alinsky’s picture on it.

And lookie here!

Where did all these new Democrat voters come from? Look to the south, my friends.

From The Last Tradition

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